Finished my mid-terms yesterday, and I am sooo glad that they are over! The take home mid-term that I was only supposed to spend 2 hours on I ended up spending 8 hours on (I didn't do too well on the last paper, so I am trying to bump up my grade). Then, I looked at my schedule and realized that I have 3 papers due in the next 3 weeks, plus scholarships to get done. Oh, and I have a reenactment in there, too, which meants that I will really have to manage my time well until finals.
However, this is all happening amidst the backdrop of very high tensions at my university. The president of my university resigned last week to take a better-paying job (he wanted a $1.2 mil pay raise for next year while they are slashing student aid and raising tuition 14%. Um, I don't think so). Plus, the TAs are very angry (like really angry - my TA has used quiz section time "effectively" to rant about how angry he is that they are slashing TA pay), and are on the verge of strike. If they do strike, this means that some of my classes will be cancelled and grading most likely put on hold. The last time this happened (I think it was 10 years ago?), class was cancelled for 6 days. However, my TA was at lecture yesterday, so I don't know what's going on . . .
The fan-front dress is coming along much slower than anticipated. I spent the weekend cutting and sewing the skirt panels (it took a bit of time, since I wanted to match the plaid so it looked like one continous line on the skirt, and I'm glad I did - it looks loverly!) Yesterday's plan was to hem the skirt, but that went to hell in a handbasket when my sister's dog attacked me. We were having cake while watching The Office (US version, not UK since the difference does matter ;) ), and Marta left her cake on the coffee table. When we were in the kitchen, the dog had gotten the cake off of her plate, put it on the floor, and was eating it ( we heard the fork smash on the floor, so we knew somthing was up). I went over to grab his leash so he would stop, and he jumped up on me, scratched my right leg, and bit me on my left hand.
It was painful, like seriously painful and my mom took me to the doctor. We spent 3 hours at the doctor's (didn't get home until 9:30), where they cleaned the cut and told me that I *might* get an infection. So, I'm on anti-biotics for the next week, and my hand is still sore. And, the doctor told me that I might get a scar. Which means that I can never be a hand model now (not that I ever wanted to be, but now that I can't, I feel bad about it).
Anyways, here's what it looked like this morning. My sister feels totally guilty, as does the dog, who was really nice to me this morning (after he got punished yesterday with solitary confinement in the garage).
The visual image, which I know you totally want to see:
(The weird, wrinkly skin by it is from the gauze that they wrapped over it.)
It's only painful when I use my hand, or clean it (which I have to do twice a day now). This really isn't something that I want to deal with now, but I really have no choice about it (since it could get much worse if left unteated). I'm still going to chug along on school and the dress. The reenactment is on the 22nd, so that's when I want to have it done. If I can get the hem and gauging done this week, I will be happy. Still have to mock up the bodice, although I have to check about whether or not I can cut out the tissue copy (Auntie Barbara gave me the pattern, and I don't know if she wants it back).