The end... Part five

Aug 21, 2008 22:14

Alrighty then this is part five, once again please leave comments good or bad I find them really helpful and I find it interesting to hear what you all think of my work.

One -

Two -

Three -

Four -

Here's part five... enjoy!!

‘Actually’ the nurse said in a strange tone of voice, which led Ianto and Gwen to believe that they weren’t going to like what she was going to say next. ‘There have been a few worrying developments since we spoke on the phone, Mr. Jones’ the nurse started to shuffle through the paperwork she was holding.

‘Toshiko’ she tried to sound like she wasn’t reading it from a piece of paper. ‘Has been throwing up blood and been bleeding from her ears and nose. The Doctor has sent her down stairs for a cat scan and recommended that she be kept in for observation for a few days’
Ianto and Gwen looked at each other; they both knew that the nurse had just described Jack’s symptoms with a disturbing accuracy.

‘Actually’ Ianto cleared his throat ‘we’d rather take her now’

‘Well, I’m sure you would Mr. Jones. But in her current condition we simply can’t allow that’

‘Well, Nurse…?’


‘Nurse Brown’ he smiled at her in a reassuring way. ‘We have to insist that we take her home now’

‘You can insist all you like Mr. Jones, but we will not allow you to take Miss Sato anywhere.’

‘Yet you cannot keep her here against her will’

‘She hasn’t asked to be discharged’

‘But she did ask for us to come and get her’ Gwen chipped in.

‘Her situation has changed since then Miss Cooper’ the nurse said with a look of disdain.

‘Nurse Brown’ Ianto begun, he was going to get Toshiko back to the hub, those where his orders.

‘Perhaps your superiors are familiar with Torchwood’ he said flashing her his Torchwood ID. He looked at Gwen and she did the same.

‘Err… yes I think they are’ said Nurse Brown in a softer tone, she had suddenly gone very pale. ‘I’ll go and fetch Dr. Morgan’

‘You do that’ Ianto gave her another reassuring smile as she hurried off down the corridor.


Owen sat at his desk he was trying to find another person, anyone anywhere who had the same symptoms or brain scan as Jack. Slowly, and with shaking hands he tapped in the code which brought up Katie’s files. ‘Oh Jesus’ he whispered to himself as he realized that this was definitely the same type of alien. Then he reasoned with himself that it was stupid to have thought even for a moment that it wasn’t.

He was just holding on to one last hope, he searched the files hoping that he’d find a detailed description of how to remove it. What was worse was that he had no idea how to treat it, or more importantly, how to get rid of it. He couldn't save Katie no matter how hard he had tried. In the end his actions had been the death of her, she died because he was too stupid to save her.

He had printed off the scan of Jack’s head and had spent the last few hours staring out of the corner of his eye. He ripped it down from where he had pinned it up and took another, longer look at it. He put it on his desk and rubbed the temples on either side of his head.

He stood up and walked into Jack’s office and poured himself a large whiskey while checking the old clock on the wall. Ianto and Gwen had been away ages; he worked it out in his head that they had left at rush hour some forty minutes ago, they might be the same on the way back. Even without traveling they had still been an hour and a half. He took a gulp of the whiskey and leant against the office wall.

It occurred to him that he shouldn’t be drinking while in charge of Torchwood. But it had been a hell of a day and unfortunately it was about to get worse. A large crashing echoed out of the autopsy room. Owen slammed down his whiskey and went to his desk where he picked up his gun and slid it into the back of his trousers. Then he picked up his stun gun and holding it out in front of him he walked slowly into the autopsy room.

He looked down on Jack from the raised area of the autopsy room. He hadn’t wanted to put Jack down stairs in a cell with all the weevils and other disgusting things that they caught lately. So he had found some restraints and tied him to the autopsy table instead. Jack had managed to pull one of his feet free from the restraints and kicked over one of the small tables that Owen kept his medical instruments on.

‘It’s alright Captain’ Owen told Jack as he approached the railings that surrounded the pit in which the autopsy table stood in. He leant on the railings and looked down on his Captain.

‘I don’t want you to panic, but there’s something wrong with you. So for your own safety as well as ours I’ve just… sort of… tied you down’

‘Owen?’ asked Jack in is normal human voice. ‘Did you find Toshiko?’

‘Ianto and Gwen have gone to pick her up’

‘Did you get it out?’ Jack asked with a concerned look on his face.

‘No, it’s on your brain. I’m not a surgeon so I needed to do a lot of research, nothing like this has ever happened on earth before’

‘Owen it’s alright I know what to do, I can talk you through it.’

‘Jack I don’t know what to do’ Owen was scared, he was trying not to panic but couldn’t see how the Captain could talk him through brain surgery while Owen was operating on Jack’s brain. ‘I don’t think you can talk me through it’

‘Owen listen to me it’s easy. It’s just a case of reaching in and pulling it out… before it gets too big’

‘I don’t know Jack, it’s pretty fucking big already’ said Owen relaxing and lowering his gun. He walked down the steps and towards the autopsy table.

He peered into Jack’s eyes ‘it’s good to see your eyes are blue again’ he said softly. Jack smiled at him.

‘Alright then Captain talk me through it and then I’ll tell you if I’m up to it’

‘Okay, well you know the Egyptians used to pull the brains of their dead out through the nose before mummification’

‘Yeah’ said Owen slowly not really wanting to hear what was coming next.

‘Well that’s what you have to do’

‘Right, what should I use to perform this cutting edge surgery? I don’t think we have any large hooks’

While he was talking Owen had moved over to the bench which stood at the end of the autopsy table. He leant on it and took in a deep breath, he closed his eyes and thought hard about what he was going to do. He knew he couldn’t do it, sliding something into Jack’s nose was completely insane.

‘Jack’ he asked again. Turning back towards the Captain, Jack looked back at Owen with cold white alien eyes. He had managed to free himself of all of his restraints expect one and was sat up on the autopsy table undoing the final one.

‘I have to go back’ he said in a calm clear alien voice as he slid off the autopsy table.

‘Oh shit’ Owen knew he was in trouble now. He held up his stun gun and pointed it at Jack. ‘Right Jack I’m going to try and make this as quick and painless as possible’. Jack turned to face Owen and took a threatening step towards him. ‘For the both of us’ Owen added as he stepped backwards. Owen held his stun gun out in front of himself.

Jack started to move towards Owen as he held up his gun in defense. ‘I need to go back’ Jack told him in a clear, calm voice. Owen buried his stun gun into Jack’s shoulder and fired. It zapped through Jack’s body making him ridged and sending him to the ground.

Owen was breathing heavier as he stood over his Captain; he used the back of his hand to wipe his mouth. He went over to the autopsy table and started to gather up the restraints. Owen felt hands clamp around his ankles, he barely had enough time to think. ‘Bollocks’ before Jack pulled his legs out from under him sending him crashing into the autopsy table. He whacked his head on the cold hard autopsy table before falling to the floor. Jack stood up and stepped over Owen on his way out of the autopsy room.

Owen struggled to his feet holding his forehead, which was now bleeding quite badly. ‘Jack’ he whispered to himself as he watched the Captain disappearing around the corner. Owen stumbled to the table at the foot of the autopsy table and pushed aside several bottles containing various chemicals. He was looking for some sedatives, something or anything to knock Jack out with.

Owen heard the cog door roll back and abandoned his fruitless search in order to chase after Jack. The cog door was open and Jack was leaning against the frame apparently in some pain. He was holding his head in his hands, ‘argh’ he screamed in pain.

Owen looked around for his stun gun; Jack straightened himself up and tried to exit through the cog door. Panicking Owen pulled his gun out of the back of his trousers and took aim at Jack’s leg. Jack stepped towards the door and Owen fired two shots into his Captain’s leg.

Jack groaned with pain as he dropped to the floor. Owen quickly moved back to his own desk and typed in the emergency shut down code into his keyboard. An alarm went off and the red warning lights started flashing, the cog door slammed shut and locked blocking Jack’s exit. Jack stood up and turned towards Owen, he gave Owen an angry look with his cold alien eyes. ‘Oh bollocks’ Owen muttered to him self as Jack started to approach him.
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