The end... Part four

Aug 20, 2008 23:54

If your reading this and you like it or don't PLEASE leave some comments, I've written half of the story and I'm trying to decide if its worth finishing. If you want to check out one thru three the links are below, PLEASE leave comments on those as well... Thanks a lot :) I find all of your comments really helpful.

One -

Two -

Three -

Ianto put the phone down just the cog door rolled back to revel Gwen and Owen holding Jack up between them. Jack was clearly unconscious, his head rested on his chest and his eyes where closed. They half dragged him half carried him over to the sofa.

‘Oh god, you didn’t steal the body did you?’ Ianto asked with a look of concern on his face while he eyed the dried blood on Jack’s shirt.

‘Don’t be stupid’ Owen snapped at him. ‘We found him by the castle making no sense at all and throwing up blood.’

‘Err… and trying to kill me’ Gwen added.

‘I was getting that’ Owen snapped back.

‘Surely he wasn’t really trying to kill you?’ Ianto asked with a look of disbelieve and shock on his face.

‘Well I don’t think Jack was… but there’s…something wrong with…him’ Gwen tried her best to explain something she didn’t understand ‘his eyes and his voice aren’t human… is he still Jack?’ she asked looking at Owen.

‘Let’s hope so’ he said pulling Jack away from Gwen and towards the sofa. He really did hope so the thought of heading up Torchwood wasn’t one that seat well with him.

‘Please tell me Tosh is here, I’m need her to scan Jack and to help me do bloods’ Owen asked Ianto.

Ianto was court off guard he was sharing at his Captain’s face hoping that he wasn’t lost completely. The last thing Ianto wanted was to lose another lover.

‘Newport actually’ Ianto muttered without taking his eyes off Jack.

‘What?’ Owen snapped at him.

Ianto looked at Owen ‘she’s in Newport, the Gwent Royal hospital just called. She was found unconscious on commercial street in Newport at about ten thirty this morning. When she woke up she asked the nurse to ring me. They said she’s going to be fine and that we can go and pick her up’
Owen was sharing at Ianto with a confused look on his face and as if she had read his mind Gwen asked that he was thinking.

‘What the hell is she doing in Newport?’ Gwen said rising her voice a little.

‘I guessing she’ll tell us when we go and pick her up’ Ianto said feeling quite confused himself.

‘Fine, since Jack’s out of commission I’m in charge. Ianto and Gwen you go and get Tosh. I’ll try and found find out what’s wrong with Jack. When you get back with Tosh, she can scan Jack. Gwen I’ll give you a quick check over and then you can go to that bar that Jack likes on the bay and ask around. What’s it called, you know it doesn’t look like its been decorated since the 1940’s and it plays all that old music’

‘Retro’ said Ianto still looking at Jack

‘yeah that’s it, Ianto when you get back track Jack’s last movements with the hub’s CCTV.’ Owen braked out a few orders

‘Shouldn’t I do that now?’ Ianto asked He wanted to stay with Jack.

‘No, I think its best we get ourselves all in one place first and then try and find out the hell is going on’

‘right, come on then Gwen’ Ianto wasn’t sure if they should all split up, but if something got Jack then he was possibly right about all of Torchwood being in the same place. Ianto and Gwen started to walk towards the cog door.

‘Wait!’ shouted Owen. ‘Ianto get you help me get Jack on the autopsy table?’

‘Fine’ said Ianto walking back over to the sofa and picking up Jack’s legs. Owen picked Jack up from under his arms again and they both carried him down the steps to the large metal autopsy table.

Ianto and Gwen sat in silence in the SUV as Ianto drove them to Newport. It wasn’t often that the pair where alone together, usually Ianto was left behind in the hub while the others went out on the calls. While Ianto got to do Jack’s mini missions, which is what the Captain had nick named the errands. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Gwen looking at him. He suspected that she wanted to ask him something, ‘Yes’ he said before she had a chance to open her mouth.

‘Oh’ Gwen was court a little of guard. ‘I was just wondering has anything like this happened before.’

‘What do you mean by anything like this?’

‘Like Jack going mad and Tosh going AWOL’

‘No, the closest thing was when Jack and Tosh fell through the rift… do you remember?’

‘Yes, of course… those hours when they where missing was the most terrifying of my life’

‘Well some how, more my the grace of god then skill, Owen managed to get us through that… sort off and I’m sure he get us through this’

‘You’re sure’ Gwen asked remembering the catastrophe that Owen caused the last time he was in charge.

‘Well… I…err hope he’ll pull it off this time’ Ianto told her fairly unsure of himself and of Owen.

‘What if we… can’t save Jack?’

‘if it comes to the worse possible thing imaginable and if Torchwood is failing and if the human race is dying, I’ll use Jack’s ‘back up’ but only if everything is going to hell and the Captain isn’t able to help’.
‘What’s his back up?’

‘I could tell you, but I’d have to kill you’ Ianto told her trying to get a laugh.

‘Seriously’ she said in the hope that Ianto would revel Jack’s back up.

‘Seriously’ he told her firmly. If it was anyone’s secret but Jack’s he would have told it in a second. But having Jack’s trust was something to important too lose again. Gwen decided to drop the subject and they drove the rest of the way in an uncomfortable silence.

Owen was pawing through one of Tosh’s desk draws. He was looking for a piece of alien Tec that they had recovered from a crash a few years before. It was a small hand held device that when plugged into a lap top or computer could be used as an instant cat scan. The silver ball with the alien symbols in it was still sat on Tosh’s desk.

It was making a low humming noise. It had started to do that a few days after they brought it in from the building site. Tosh had told him that she felt like it was mocking her with its low annoying hum. Owen didn’t understand what she meant and was worrying that she seemed to be growing more and more obsessive about the large silver ball. That’s how it had started with Suzie… a strange obsession. The humming was starting to annoy him too, so he took off his jacket and used it to cover the ball up.

In his newly made silence he continued to look threw Tosh’s desk draws. He found the small hand held device in the bottom draw off Tosh’s desk. He shut the draw and walked over to his own desk. He picks up his white coat, which had been hanging off the back of his desk draw and put it on. He opened one of his desk draws and took out his laptop he slid it under his arm.

Owen walked into the autopsy room and sat down on a chair next to the autopsy table. He put his laptop on a metal table and plug in the CAT scan device. ‘Right then Captain, let’s have a look at you’ he said as he slowly moved the device over Jack’s skull. He hated doing this kind off thing, Toshiko was always better at it then he was. She had a steady hand and usually kept calm in bad situations.

He tapped in a few numbers on his key board to change the resolution of image he was getting. ‘That can’t be right’ he muttered to himself. He changed the resolution again and then zoomed in on an area of the image. ‘Get it out’ he said to himself repeating something that Jack had said to him.

gwen cooper, captain jack harkness, torchwood, ianto jones, toshiko sato, doctor owen harper

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