Jul 29, 2005 14:04
so the visit with my uncle.
he looks better than he did last year when we saw him.
before we went we got news that he was doing a lot better and seeing a new doctor.
well when we got there they told us that the new dr. told him that there may have been no reason for him to have a trake in the first place, so the last year and a half of eating through a tube in his stomach was all for nothing. now he has no swallow reflex and even with therapy it may never come back.
but then they found cancer in his lungs.
somehow on top of all of the treatments and appointments my uncle has managed to build a new garage. i don't get it.
i found a pretty sweater pattern that i want to take to italy with me. unfortunatly knitting is slow for me and it probably won't be done in time.
i am bouncing back and forth between being done at the office and not being done. i say i am done. when my dad calls me to come in i'm really just doing bs jobs like "break down this box and carry it to the dumpster" or "shred this paper, file this folder and dump out the coffee"
yesterday i packed all of my clothes. they fit in my backpack with room to spare! yay me for being efficient. but boo for knitting needles banned on international flights! i suppose a crochet hook will be allowed though as long as it's small and plastic.
i found afgan patterns for my cousin and christian's brother and fiancee. although i found a fun nightgown pattern that i might knit for my cousin too. in a nice cotton. i am planning to make one for me at some point. it wouldn't be sexy enough for the actual wedding night, but i feel like for a few nights of a honeymoon it would be acceptable. it's a pretty little pattern.
i restarted my dad's sweater and found a pattern for a sweater for christian and a few other fun things for friends and family too!
is it bad that my life revolves around yarn?
i miss having friends.
i want to be back at school.
one of my better friends from hs just walked by the office. i haven't seen him since my freshman year (of college). we used to be close. he used to stop in and visit me at the office, and play with the old person chairs in the waiting room. boo.
my dad told me today that working in his office is what i will be doing next summer and next fall and next winter and forever. i do not nor have i ever wanted his business. ahhhh. i know he was joking, but it makes me feel bad. altough the two of us working together make us both feel bad.
the art gallery next door needs someone like me to work there. unfortunatly they wouldn't be able to pay me. but they needed to hang a new show. and the hooks that hang on a wooden strip and hold the wire for the paintings are missing. although last summer when they ordered them they got 75. now there are 15. so one of the board members takes it upon himself to hang the show by hanging the paintings by nails. 45 new nail holes all over the walls. what was he thinking. there is a railing with hooks there for a reason. ugg. my dad is going crazy on the board of the community building/gallery. i don't care if you are an artist, artists can have common sense too. doing sometihng that will cost more money is not a good idea. there is no money. the board members keep donating out of pocket, for someone to not think and put holes all over the walls. who is going to patch them up now?
oh well.
only 3 days til italia!!!