I have a confession

Nov 12, 2009 23:36

So despite the fact that A) I'm one of the rh_press editors B) several of the people on my f-list are big time fans and C) it's NOVEMBER...

I'm just now finally getting around to watching Robin Hood Series 3

In my defense, when series 3 starting airing I hadn't finished S2 yet, it was the end of my last year in university, and I was kinda busy with people. In other words, I had other things to focus on at the time. I kept saying "oh I'll catch up when I have time" ... and then that never really happened. Merlin ate my brain over the summer. I started school. Puppies. "Catch up on Robin Hood" just was never at the top of my priorities list. I finally waited long enough that BBCA started to air it, so I was like sweet, I'll watch it then... except that never really happened either. But today, I finally, FINALLY sat down in front of the TiVo and decided to catch up.

Ok, I've heard a lot of not good things about this series. I've heard a lot of WTF things about this series. I've seen pictures of people with "interesting" costumes and hair. I know that Marian, Will, and Djaq are desperately missed. I wanted to not like this series.

I'm kind of starting to like this series.

Mind you, I thought the first 4 episodes were LAME SAUCE, especially 2 and 3 where Guy was gone, because let's get serious, Guy is the only real reason I watch this show, especially considering Guy/Marian is no longer on screen. I don't really care for Tuck, Kate annoys me, and this may sound harsh, but I wish Little John had died at the end of series 2 because he really has done nothing. Oh, I also really don't like this Much/Kate/Allan triangle, mainly because I still adore Much/Eve and I hate that Allan keeps getting stuck in triangles [a la Will/Djaq/Allan and Guy/Marian/Allan (fanon for the win)].

However, Isabella and PJ came in and saved the day. I'm not gonna lie, I like Robin/Isabella together. Yeah yeah, Robin/Marian is like THE ship (of the legend) but I was never head over heels for them in the show. They had some cute moments. I liked that they had a history. I liked that they had the whole "if you hadn't left me to go to war we could have been married with babies right now" dynamic of series 1, and the secret engagement of series 2. But I'm sorry, I am a Guy/Marian shipper until the bitter end. I'm just echoing what's been said a million times over, but their chemistry and combined prettiness was just perfect. I could have watched them forever. I'm highly on board with the idea that Guy and Marian should have gotten married at the end of series 2 because it would have been a really interesting dynamic for them - would Guy change? would Marian betray her husband to Robin? and for Robin and Marian - would he still pursue her as a married woman? would she still "love" him? NOT TO MENTION Guy/Marian getting married would allow Robin/Isabella to happen still AND that would be crazy ridiculous - Robin, falling for the sister of Guy, the man who stole his woman, while Marian would be like so much for you loving me. It could have been great.

That was kind of a tangent but not really. I'm loving these middle episodes. I'm seeing hints of the greatness that was the cheesy family show I used to adore. Oh show. I know you're gonna let me down, but just for now... I missed you.

I think I need some icons :)

robin hood

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