Jun 11, 2011 00:29

 I'm trying to do this early so all the stuff that I did will be fresh in my mind. It does not help that I am bone tired. There will be Harry Potter Land spoilers, and the pictures will be another post because I can't deal with that nonsense right now.

Okay. This will be a comprehensive review of my day on Islands of Adventure, as best I can remember it. It starts with me buying my ticket and walking purposefully through Dr. Suess Land and the Lost Continent, not really taking much in. I just wanted to get there. And when I do, it does not disappoint. Hogsmeade is beautiful. Filled with tourists, it's beautiful, Fake snow glittering in the sun, it's beautiful, the entire place smelling like butterbeer, it is so. Beautiful. My first moments were spent walking around, staring openly at everything. I ducked into Zonko's and Honeyduke's to check them out, didn't buy anything. I wander about for a little, spot Ollivander's, and get my ass in line, because Fuck yes i want my own wand, and double fuck yes I want to see someone get picked by their own wand. The demonstration was done to an eight year old kid named Aiden, and he was adorable, and the wand seller was so freaking perfect, and there was so much magic. I LOVED it. Then, Dervish and Banges, i buy my own wand (Birch-I don't know how long it is, and I've decided that there is a unicorn hair inside of it), and my Ravenclaw scarf, wander around touching all of the merchandise, then I leave. I remember that I need to buy my little sister something at the request of my mom, and I go back and get her a Pigwidgeon. Next is time for the Forbidden Journey! I was really excited, because I heard it was awesome, and not much else. I didn't know the details, and the anticipation was really, really great. That one talking Quidditch player portrait was really hot. Seeing the Sorting Hat made my heart so, so happy, and I was grinning for that entire, very short line (Let's go Single Rider!). The ride itself--It escapes words. It was the best thing I could have ever hoped for. Being saved by Harry granted all of my deepest, darkest Mary Sue desires that I didn't know I had. Interacting with him, it was incredible. And the Dementors and the Dragon were all done so beautifully. Stars were lodged in my eyes the entire ride. And the end had me in tears. Everyone was waving at me! Me! I thank the good Lord in heaven for every single person who helped create that ride, because it was the best.  After my heart was done singing, I decided to put on my big girl pants and ride the Dragon Challenge. That was a fun ride, but awfully short. After that, I felt a wee bit nauseous, so I decided to sit and take pictures of things, mostly the signs for the various shops. Then I went and got lunch from the Three Broomsticks. The house-elf shadows. /The House-elf shadows/ It was too good, I couldn't take it. It turns out that two roller coasters, and then food, isn't the greatest idea in the world, because shortly after I left, I kind of threw up my lunch. But I felt better after, so, who cares. I then took a little break from Harry Potter Land, milling about the Lost Continent for a bit. It's a pretty place, I really liked the psuedo-ancient theme they had going on. I some Sinbad stunt show that was fairly cute and kind of entertaining, and then a magic show that was pretty much the same. I went back to Hogsmeade, bought a Ravenclaw tie(I will never not get Ravenclaw swag), and then walked around some more. I wandered over to the Jurassic Park rides, rode the River Adventure, and got very wet. I decided to go ride the Forbidden Journey again, because who the hell was going to stop me?? It was just as glorious and magical the second time ("Showing off for your muggle admirers, eh, Potter?" "HEY, FUCK YOU, MALFOY!!"), and then I went and walked about some more, because no one could ever get tired of looking at Hogsmeade, and then I headed my way out of the park, and back to my hotel! God help you if you read all of that, I just wanted my first hand account of what I experienced written somewhere! In conclusion: EEEEEEEE HARRY POTTER LAND EEEEE~! 

wall of text, silly things, fangirling, happyhappyhappy

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