Jun 12, 2011 02:33

 I originally wasn't going to do this post. i didn't want to seem like I was bragging, telling of my adventures here in Florida, but I experienced just as much joy and magic in Disney's Hollywood Studios as I did in Harry Potter Land, and I want to record this as well. Continue on for another wall of text full of delight.

Before I jump right into the park and all of it's splendors, I want to mention a little something that happened to me in the morning, before we left. As my family and I were in the hotel lobby, continental breakfasting it up, I had the great idea to eat my bowl of cereal on the couch, instead of on the tables. I must've not been paying attention or something, because I ended up with milk and corn pops all over me. I had to go back to my room, take a mini shower, rinse out my milky clothes, and change, all very hurried because we apparently couldn't wait for me to clean up. The rest of the day goes worlds better. After we get there and get ours tickets, I wander around with my family, looking at stuff. Our collective eyes fall on the fake!Chinese Theatre, which holds the Great Movie Adventure ride, and we decided to go for it. I was psyched for it, because I love movies, and I generally am excited about things. It was so great. The little tram ride through all the obviously robotic versions of the cheesiest scenes from great movies really was very cool, to me. I liked it. Then we went through Indiana Jones' scene, and my eyes turned into stars. I look that movie so freaking much, and I really, really enjoyed riding through his scene. And the mash up of all the great stars and scenes at the end put tears in my eyes, it was so beautiful. My little sister laughed at me, but I don't really care. After that, my family went and sat on the ground, saving ourselves a spot for a parade. We sat in that spot for about an hour, and the parade turned out to be a kind of lame procession of Star Wars characters. I'm not ragging on Star Wars, the parade just kind of sucked. I might be biased, though, because Star Wars really ain't my bag. After that, we went and saw the Voyage of the Little Mermaid. SO AMAZING. I loved every single second of the show. My mother and I had a really good moment, listening to Ariel singing Part of Your World. We noticed that they took some liberties with the lyrics at the same time, and just looked at each other with a "GUUUUUURL" facial expression. It was so good. When we were done gushing about how amazing that was, we went to Disney Junior: Live On Stage. i spent most of the show wondering how much they pay those actors to be so happy, all the time. Then, we went to lunch, which was a very nice affair that I did not pay for, Thank God for my parents. After lunch was Midway Mania, a very fun interactive 3-D video game type thing that was all Toy Story themed. I had a lot of fun out-shooting my little sister. after that, the kids went and took pictures with Woody and Buzz while my grandmother and I went and relaxed a bit. Then, we all went on the Studio Backlot Tour, which was kind of on the boring side. Seeing water cannons go off isn't all that thrilling to me, but meh. Then, we went and played on the Honey, I Shrunk The Kids themed playground. IT WAS SO BOSS. Despite me nearly twisting my ankle, I had a blast playing with my little brother and sister. And it was made even better by the fact that Honey, I Shrunk The Kids in an amazing movie. Then, we went and saw the Muppet 3-D Experience, which was cutesy and fun. Those two critics are, and always will be, my absolute favorite muppets! After that, it was the Star Tour ride! As I said, Star Wars isn't really my cup of tea, but the Star Tour thing was really effing cool. Good 3-D, realistic flight simulation, it was pretty awesome. B+, would ride again. Then, I went and rode the Tower of motherfucking Terror. Let me tell you a little bit about how much I love the Twilight Zone. Every year for about four years, I would watch all of the July Fourth marathon that Sci-Fi runs as I could. I think I sat through all thrilling 24 hours of it once, and it was the absolute best. The Twilight Zone is my favorite show, ever. I love it so much. So to go on the Tower of Terror, to enter into the Twilight Zone, to have Rod Sterling talking to me is an absolute dream come true. Short as it was, that ride was one of the best in the park, for me. I loved it! My step father also gained some cool points for going with me to make sure I wasn't too freaked out. So, coming away from that ride and the high that I was on from experiencing it, We went and saw Fantasmic!, a really, really amazing show. It featured Mickey defeating several Disney villains using the power of his imagination. SO GOOD. SO EFFING FANTASTIC. I don't think I blinked the entire show, I just sat there, eyes wide, drinking in everything. They had a bit where all the villains, Ursula, Cruella, Malifecent, Jafar, Hades, Scar, and The Evil Queen just all laughed and morphed into each other. IT WAS SO COOL. IT WAS PROJECTED ONTO WATER SHOOTING INTO THE SKY. DISNEY. DIIIISNEEEEY. My heart was so, so glad. I cried when the steamboat went by at the end, filled with the Disney Heroes. It was like seeing the best fanfic ever, come to life. Also, so many fireworks. So many on them. It was magical. The entire day was. After Fantasmic!, we went back to the hotel, dazed by the wonder that Disney gave to us all. I loved every single moment of today. That's all!   

vacation, wall of text, disney, magic, happyhappyhappy

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