(no subject)

May 04, 2009 14:08

Whew! This has been a busy time. I presented in lab meeting on Friday and gave a journal club for the MPTG training today. In the meantime, I have a book chapter to review and experiments to do. I was supposed to have read and commented on a dissertation this week as well, but the student never got the dissertation submitted. In fact, all the current drama in the lab is due to this particular student and their situation. It's rather complicated, but I will be surprised if this person manages to even pull a master's out of this mess. We shall see.

Our new sister-in-law (J.'s brother got divorced and remarried in the space of 3 months) called this weekend to borrow money for plane tickets. Our niece is graduating from high school AND getting married this summer (no, I do not think this is a good idea). So J.'s brother is expected to attend both events. In addition, the new wife needs to fly her son down for a visit and she is supposed to fly up to visit him. Okay. We can lend (rather give) them the money. But I swear, that is it. I'm tired of buying plane tickets for this brother. He wouldn't have even seen his daughter in the last two years if we hadn't bought plane tickets for both of them and flew them out here to L.A. Enough is enough. We have to fly out to Montana for the wedding as well, after all! After this request on Saturday, the brother called on Sunday to complain about his marriage. Seriously? What did you think would happen when you marry a woman you barely know and you have a drinking problem?

We had a fairly quiet weekend. Worked on some apartment projects, i.e. cleaned the office closet up, repotted plants and set up a window sill herb garden. We also bought a water purifier/reservoir that now sits on our bar. It's reallly handy for cooking with purified water. We got the air purifiers new filters and cleaned those up as well. We attended a play called Photograph 51 on Friday night at the Fountain theatre, followed by dinner with friends at the Grande Luxe Cafe. Saturday J. had game night and I went to a photojournalism event sponsered by Step-Up Women's Network (the dress code was L.A. chic which apparently involves 5 inch stilletos. Opps.). That night dinner was at the Asian restaurant Beacon in Culver City. Sunday we ran 2.7 miles (in 30 min) and had dinner with other friends at Zeke's. Lots of stuff!

Meow's acne is still pretty bad, but getting somewhat better. She's been needing lots of attention lately, poor little kitty!
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