May 01, 2009 14:42
It's been a whirlwind lately. I've gotten some experiments to begin working, so I'm hopeful that I'll get out of this impasse at work. I had to present in lab meeting today and I've got a journal club this afternoon, then I have to present in a journal club on Monday. That should fulfill all but one of my requirements as an MPTG trainee. I still have to give a presentation on my experimental progress in July. My big news is that my NRSA appears to have been funded. So hopefully no more fellowships to be written.
Tonight J. and I are attending a play called Photograph 51. I'm really excited, because I haven't been to a play in a very long time. This one is about Rosalind Franklin, the woman whose work was used to determine the structure of DNA. We are going with some friends of ours, maybe grab some drinks afterwards. We also may go to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory open house being held this weekend. We've really been getting out a lot lately!
Tomorrow night I am attending a photojournalism event sponsored by the Step-Up Women's Network. I haven't joined, because right now I have more on my plate than I can handle. I have joined the AAAS, AWIS, NPA, and I'm likely going to join another professional society soon. I also joined both of my universities' alumni networks as well. I'm really big on networking right now. I need to learn how to do it before I have to start job hunting in a couple of years. It was a little depressing to hear that my former labmate who graduated a year or so after me took an entry level job in biotech starting at $95,000. Le sigh.
lab stuff