Sep 26, 2006 15:26
for all humanity, the gift of reason and logic leads us to this. Dispair that first leads some to belive in a loving and powerful God and which deminishes with faith now resumes it's hold on us with the advent of complex reason. God will not save your house for being repentant or destroy those of sinners, and you cannot controll the weather so says science and reason. The future uncertain reguarless of divinity. Simple facts that are soon forgotten in the altar of religion, and the gambling table.
In this I turn to the truth of nihilism, "chaos is god." Yet patterns our only salvation, and possibilities our saints. Yes, so too is science and reason a dogma, a fetish of rules and standards that blind us to other realms of understanding for those that hold it as undebateable fact, for those that have forgotten the hint of despair inherant in science and reason, of not knowing all of the possibilities that may exist, the feeling of incomplete. A simultaneouse existance of despair that is outweighed by the honest hope it brings with knowledge.