Sep 26, 2006 15:27
...that luck, chaos, or destiny is a strange thing, even with the correct course of action, one cannot conclude with absolute certainty what will happen
...that this is a repeating idea from me
...that freewill cannot be defined in any terms yet,
...that, to me, free will is at the center of it all, once established in its' existence or not everything else becomes simplified to me. Case in point, I had a conversation about communism, but mostly dealing with leadership, as time passes, who decides in a communist government who will lead the rest? In our pseudo democratic gov. we have what I look at as a pageant, and choose from the almost exact same bevy of bullshiters that give the same dry, contrived answers, nothing more than a popularity contest. Is it the same in all forms of government, in all higher leadership positions? Is this then the flaw in our human nature that damn us all to be ruled by the few, more convincing, power hungry social elite? (back to my point) If there was such a thing as free will, then those in charge need educate the masses more so they can decide more intelligently what and who to vote for? If there is no free will then the responsibility falls on those that have a better grasp of the world and the necessities of the masses and of a greater goal. But then who/what decides the criteria of this wisdom? Except that in communism there is no choice, just bureaucrats and laws, so who chooses? The officials in power will choose their own, the military leaders will do the same, but the right choice needs to come from the necessities of the people, yet all in power are blinded by the needs of their groups and their petty needs. Communism does not allow for idealist free thinkers to exist, yet that is what is needed in order to grow. Idealists only pull the party line, create a more stagnant society.
Freewill, do others have it and I don't? And what/who decides this fact? Will it then demand that those that do, lead and the rest follow? And if we all have it, do any of us has the right to make, convince the rest by any means necessary (lie in the slightest, cheat for attention, kill another's character, steal sincerity with words) to do as one wants? Yet we all do to some degree.