In which Guerrero knows everyone, everywhere.

Mar 24, 2010 22:07

Man, if the mere, vague possibility that the Old Man might someday do something to Winston is enough to give Chance the yips it's probably for the best that he didn't hear Baptiste threaten Guerrero last week. I'm actually more worried about Guerrero now; the show's set up that Chance is worried about Winston (which makes sense, because we learned in "Rewind" that Winston was the one who made Chance the offer that encouraged him to break from his old job) but if something bad happen to Guerrero Chance won't see it coming. Of course, if something happens to either of them it's clear Chance's head will explode, but now that they've brought up the possibility of the Old Man going after Winston it's probably not going to happen that way.

I'm scared of the finale, people, is what I'm saying.

I liked how cohesive "Corner Man" was. Usually there's an A plot and a B plot on this show but everyone was pretty well integrated today. Even though Guerrero was stuck babysitting the client (Hi, Soap!) he still had a lot of interaction with Chance and Winston ("Get a room" was my favorite snark of the night, although "Dude, hug me and I'll kill you" was a close second). I liked his analyzing that first fight; JEH is so good at showing Guerrero thinking.

I will never, ever get tired of watching Winston try to commit crime. He's so bad at it, like he's seen people convince fighters to take dives in movies and assumed those were all documentaries filmed in real time. And I loved the solution there, because of course Guerrero has dirt on the guy who runs the boxing hall of fame.

I want to say how much I'm enjoying Mark Valley's performance; usually from the way I flail after an episode you would think the show was Guerrero And His Amazing Friends, but Human Target wouldn't work at all if Chance wasn't so freaking charming. If only he was a little bit younger he would have made an awesome Captain America; I'm never left wondering what in the world Winston and Guerrero see in him or get tired of watching him do his thing.

And the parade of geeky genre guest stars continues! This week we not only got Soap from Punisher: War Zone, but Athena from BSG! And Methos! Oh, show. And next week is Moon Bloodgood! If she and Chance run into any Terminators they'll be all set (and if things get really bad, she knows Michael Westen!)

guerrero is a bad dude, i love this show

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