My show is written by nerds. Nerds!

Mar 17, 2010 22:32

Or geeks, if you prefer. There's no other way to explain having Jackie Earle Haley watch a character first introduced as "Nite Owl" hack through a computer database for Great Justice. While he's stealing food. I wonder if this episode was written by the same fanboy/girl as Lockdown.

So tonight sees the welcome return of two characters, Layla (aka Nite Owl, aka New Girl) and my favorite Girl of the Week, Agent Barnes. When I saw Embassy Row I came out of the episode hoping that Barnes would be a recurring character and it looks like the show might be granting that wish (you cannot imagine how relieved I was that she didn't actually explode). And her boss at the FBI is Ellen from Supernatural (and Nina from The 4400)! Anyone crossing this show over with Supernatural is being given tons of material by the casting department (Barnes was Madison on SPN).

I'm not sure I want Layla to join the cast full time, as much as I like her; being so young and fresh-faced messes with the old sins and old soldiers dynamic of the current team. I wouldn't be at all adverse to bringing her in for the occasional spot of hacking though, especially since that means Guerrero would have to tap his network of criminal scum less often.:)

So we found out a little bit more about Chance old boss; he took Chance in, taught him everything he knows, and is quite possibly Morgan Freeman from Wanted. Or Management from Burn Notice. (I like to imagine all of the Older Statesman Assassin characters meeting up for dinner once a month and talking over their business troubles: which of their guys are turning into loose cannons, who's starting to enjoy the job a little two much, who's fallen in love with their target this month and so on and so forth.) And we found out that Guerrero used to be part of the same group, although not why he left. (I loved the "Mate." "Dude." exchange. I will never not find it hilarious that an apparently world class assassin and criminal talks like a surfer, and that was nice confirmation that he's always done so.) Then the show again dangles the possibility that he's willing to betray Chance, after seeming to quash that thought in Sanctuary. (I don't think he will, not just because it would make me a sad panda but because it would drastically change the show. Guerrero's the source of a lot of the show's humor and a lot of its tension; you never know what he's going to do or say, and JEH acts his mustache off every week.)

And then came the line: "I heard you've become a family man." (Forgive me if I'm misquoting; my note taking was interrupted by letting out a sound only bats could hear.) Repeat: FAMILY MAN. With a "LITTLE ONE." OMG.



Show? Totally forgiven for the whole Rundown thing last week. Keep this up.

ETA: speaking of geeks and nerds, there's something called a Suvudu cage match going on and one of the current brackets is Jaime Lannister vs. Cthulhu. This inspired grrm to write fic depicting how he thinks the battle would go.:) I am not even kidding a little bit. This is the kind of isspired geekery that makes me completely okay with the wait for A Dance With Dragons.

winter is coming, guerrero is a bad dude, i love this show

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