I'll have you.

Mar 14, 2010 22:03

I'm still having trouble coming up with Lost thoughts that aren't "Oh, Ben" or "Oh. Oh, Ben.

1) Oh,Ben.

2) The scene on the Black Rock with the dynamite is hands-down my favorite Jack moment of the entire show. After all this time it's startling to see Jack acting from faith (although I liked that he structured it as an experiment. Still the scientist.) I loved "Well, if you change your mind I'll be like, a mile away."

3) "He's the only one who'll have me." Oh, Ben Free will has always been one of the big themes on Lost, and how wonderful was that moment between Ilana and Ben when seen in that context, especially with Sayid's slide to the dark side still echoing. Ever since he was a child Ben has been defined by what he should do, what the Island needed, what the Others needed from him. Now suddenly that's all gone. Now that Ben believes he's well and truly damned, when the weight of Alex and Jacob's blood on his hands is dragging him down like an anchor, suddenly Ilana is there offering him a choice --- a choice he in no way thinks he deserves. And yet he takes it anyway. When was the last time a character was tempted towards goodness and actually took that step?

4) I don't think the "Kwon" on Jacob's list is Sun or Jin. I think it's Ji Yeon.

5) So far, Ilana's army is built on mercy and faith while Not Locke's is built on manipulation and devil's bargins. I know I'm not the only one thinking The Stand at this point.

6) And here comes Widmore. Where will his loyalties fall? Or is he forming a third side? And most importantly, is he bringing Desmond with him?

In celebration of a fabulous Ben episode, here's a video celebrating Ben's greatest...um, hits.:)

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lost, i love this show

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