What has science done?!?!

Mar 31, 2010 01:13

Created artificial photosynthesis. Which is actually pretty cool.

I have ALSO done things! Writerly things! And so I beg my flist for two favors, one immediate and one for the end of the week:

1) I need someone who can do a quick-and-dirty beta on a White Collar/Firefly fic (It's for the Ficathon Walked Into a Bar challenge). It's gen and a little under 4K. This is supposed to go up tomorrow so I'm not asking for anything in depth, just a quick read-through to catch anything embarrassing. I know I have White Collar and Firefly fans out there on my flist.:)

2) In the next few days I will need a beta for a Watchmen/DCU crossover, by Friday at the absolute latest. Post-Final Crisis, Pre-Blackest Night, Wonder Woman fan is a plus. (OMG it's an Easter miracle!!!!)

(I want to thank mosellegreen now and for always for putting up with my immense lameness. RL has not been a friend as of late.)

my flist looks out for me, writing's hard!, betas, fic

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