I blame you, interwebs.

Sep 18, 2008 17:44

This post on fanficrants about a terrible Doctor Who/Twilight crossover reminded me that a while back I actually had a Doctor Who/Twilight dream.

In the dream, Nine and Rose landed in whaterever town Twilight takes place in and run into the werewolves. Random Werewolf #1 immediately imprinted on Rose and started following her and the Doctor around, until they ran into the Cullens while trying to get away from him. At this point the whole imprinting thing was explained and the werewolves were all acting as if this is the best thing ever and picking out china patterns. Rose and the Doctor were all incredibly creeped out, of course, the Doctor especially being "Oh hell no, step away from my companion," about the whole situation, while the Twilight cast couldn't figure out why Rose wasn't swooning.

At some point it was revealed that the vampires and werewolves were both actually alien races who'd been stranded on Earth for so long that they'd started confusing themselves with vampire and werewolf myths, then I woke up, wondering WTF was wrong with my brain.

I've never even read Twilight. Everything I know I gleaned from the internet, mostlycleolinda's recaps. See what you all have done to me?!

dreams, doctor who, do not want

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