One love one house no shirt no blouse

Jan 16, 2014 20:00

Last night's Arrow! Slade's faaaaaaaaace! /o\

Catch up post on the Talking Meme, then I'll post today's entry later because I've been waiting all month for that one.:)

January Talking Meme, Day 14: no topic.

Let's talk about lies, everyone! Especially the ones you tell yourself, like when you know you have something you have to post and word count to make but you still tell yourself you'll just close your eyes for, like, FIVE MINUTES. Then you'll get to posting and writing, self! Surely you won't wake up disoriented on the couch five hours later! This time will be different! Sure, every other time you've closed your eyes for "five minutes" it didn't work out, but surely this time.

But it doesn't. And you vow never again!

And then the next night, "just close your eyes during the commercial. C'mon, it'll be fine!"


January Talking Meme, Day 15: no topic.

Let's have a Random Headcanon Wednesday! (I know it's not still Wednesday, shh, shhh)

And let's make this one all SPN (MCU next week.)

1) By the end of S7 Cas was mostly faking the crazy - it was real when he first woke up but faded much more quickly than he let on. He clung to it because he knew just how badly he'd screwed up and and was desperate to not have anyone depend on him or ask him to make decisions again. If he was "crazy" then no one would expect anything from him, which meant he couldn't make any more disastrous decisions. Obviously that didn't work out because Dean wouldn't let him hide that way, and once they were all in Purgatory there was no point in pretending any more. He had to keep Dean alive, which meant keeping himself alive so things would go after him instead of Dean. (He was completely lucid during the confrontation with Hester and was willing to let her kill him. She'd followed him and had faith in him. As far as he was concerned, he deserved it.)

2) Angels are expected to be a little starry eyed over their commanders, if not implicitly encouraged. Nothing's ever supposed to come of it, of course, and it's not supposed to be anything serious - something a little like the senpai crush you see all the time in anime. Angels are hardwired to want to follow orders anyway and mixing a little adoration in with that is seen as a refection of the supreme adoration the angels are supposed to have for God. This works more or less fine in Heaven but gets...messier on Earth and in vessels with hormones and senses, and with God gone for so long the main focus is gone and the center has long since started to fall out. It's not a universal thing - Uriel didn't care much about Anna, whereas Cas was definitely gone over her and hurt when she fell - but it's a thing for a lot of them. (Uriel and Lucifer, though....)

3) Jo wound up as Dean Smith's sister in the Terrible Life verse because Dean could accept himself as an yuppie health nut with an office job who drove a Prius, no problem, but he just could not accept a version of himself that was an only child. Being an older brother is such a defining part of his self image that it would have thrown him out of the illusion immediately. Obviously Zachariah was holding him there and Sam couldn't be his brother, so he subconsciously reached for the next younger person he cared about. That wasn't even part of the intended illusion. All him.

4) I've posted this before and will continue to do so until someone writes me the epic fic I'm apparently unable to write myself: John, Ellen and Bill Harvelle had a nice poly thing for a while there right up until John started really falling for Ellen and overthinking everything. (Especially since Bill wouldn't have cared! Of course John was in love with his wife! Who wouldn't be!) So things got awkward because John couldn't get out of his own head and then that hunt went bad and Bill died so nothing ever got resolved, and to make matters worse John could never quite be sure whether he didn't let Bill die even though that's not in any way what happened. And then John decided to deal with the guilt by avoiding it forever, because that's the way Winchesters solve emotional trauma. (I love Bill Harvelle, at least the version that lives in my head.)

talking meme, my brain

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