Talking Meme!

Dec 07, 2013 23:36


A couple folks on my flist are doing the December Talking Meme, which I'm not because that ship has saaaaaaaailed. HOWEVER, one of my fannish resolutions for 2014 is to post more and to kick that off I intend to do my level best to post every day in January. That means a JANUARY TALKING MEME!

How this works: pick a day, give me a topic and I will ramble on about it for you. Fannish, non-fannish, fic stuff, movies, books, bring it. (Unclaimed days will be filled - I have a backlog of reviews and other meme responses for just such occasions.)

Jan 1: morganoconner Ring in the new year by telling me all about your Clint and Nat and Phil feels. *chinhands*
Jan 2: akadougal Travels - favorite place you've been or place you want to go!
Jan 3: - Earliest memory
Jan 4:
Jan 5: chrryblssmninja food
Jan 6:
Jan 7:
Jan 8:
Jan 9:
Jan 10:
Jan 11: Mysterious Stranger - Doctor Who haiku (hey, that rhymes!)
Jan 12:
Jan 13:
Jan 14:
Jan 15:
Jan 16: grasshopr_molly Dean/Cas and D/s - Who's on first top (if anyone) and why?
Jan 17:
Jan 18:
Jan 19:
Jan 20:
Jan 21: dhampyresa Favourite bits from Doctor Who (and/or any other show you feel like doing).
Jan 22:
Jan 23:
Jan 24:
Jan 25: daria234 What you like best about the show Arrow/what you hope they do/don't do in the series.
Jan 26:
Jan 27:
Jan 28:
Jan 29:
Jan 30:
Jan 31:


Holiday card post is still open! Want a card from me? Leave your info there!

my flist looks out for me, meme

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