You know you've found true love when he comes up with the shippy speculation for you

Oct 31, 2007 19:37

What up, fandom? My outside-the-cut flist reaction to "The Line" ranged from "meh" to "didn't hold my interest", and all I did was *flail!* the entire episode. What's with the sudden disconnect?

First things first: if anyone out there has indulged in spoilers and knows who Adam Monroe is, do not tell me. I'm enjoying myself here.

1. Bennet sure is good at shooting his friends, huh? Maybe that's his superpower. (So hey, Bennet, so now you're going to be hunted and looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life, huh? What exactly does karma taste like? I bet it's salty.)

2. Bennet speaking Russian was both awesome and incredibly frightening.

3. "I trained you. You and your invisible partner, Claude." If anyone on the east coast heard a high-pitched squeeing noise around 11:30 last night, that would be me reacting to that line. Sorry.:) The combination of bite-sized backstory and hearing Claude's name mentioned out of nowhere pretty much made the episode for me. I'm easily pleased.

4. So, Adam Monroe. First the file, and then we find out Peter's been working with an Adam during the missing four months (assuming someone isn't messing with his head. Well, further). We have two options here: either Adam is a Character to be Met Later (a CtbML) or he's someone in the cast. If he is someone we know, my two suspects both have fake names and English accents, if you get my meaning. For further speculation, see below!

5. Oh, Hiro. I really don't think you even understand how badly you hurt Kensei. This is not something an apology and a promise to never do it again will fix. And you knew it was the wrong thing to do, stopped time, and when through with it anyway. Your cuteness will not get you off the hook this time.

6. I continue to be shocked at Mohinder's naivete. Bennet told him what he was getting into. He has no excuse. That said, I'm glad he didn't do it, although I did shake my head that he refused to give the shot in the most dramatic possible way, complete with a full-on flounce out of the room. Oh, Mohinder.:)

7. I still don't trust Midas. I don't care how contrite he seems about what almost happened to Monica, I'm gonna need a lot more proof that he's suddenly seen the light. Hot Fuzz has taught me all about people who talk about "The Greater Good."

8. And here's my point. Niki: "I'm your new partner." Of course you are.

9. Sylar is such a monster. Never, ever change.

10. I'm sure there was a way to write Alejandro's reaction to not sound like a jealous snit, but not on Heroes. Oh, writers. Never, ever change.

Now comes the time for unlikely but awesome speculation. We know two things about Adam Monroe: that the Company has a file on him, and that he's been working with Peter to take down the Company. If Adam isn't a CtbML, one of the options we have is that he's Kensei.

The other option is that he's Claude. BF has the theory that Kensei is a red herring in all this, and that the super the Company is so interested in depowering isn't him or Papa Parkman or Sylar, but Claude, and further that he's Adam Monroe. This makes a certain amount of sense; Claude knows all sorts of Company dirty secrets, and they not only know full well that he's alive, but that he could be right there in the room watching them sleep. Moreover, the Ivan's absolutely gratuitous mention of his name (really, he could have just said "your partner," or even "your invisible partner") smacked of the classic TV/comic book shorthand for "Hey, remember this guy? Just checking. No, no reason. Not like he's showing up or anything."

Peter's been working with Adam. Again, could be a new character, but if it's a super Peter would have leeched his power, and we've only seen him use one new one (and we have a pretty good idea where that came from). Again, could be Kensei, since he and Claire have the same power, but Claude has a vested interest in taking down the Company and history with Peter, and it makes sense that once he's recovered from going boom Peter would seek him out to learn how to keep it from happening again (or vice versa). It would make sense from there that they would decide to go after the Company, only to have Mama Petrelli bust up their plans.

Now obviously I'm all for this, because I want Claude to show up again, but the real joy of this spec (to me) is that it not only involves Peter and Claude working together, but that it means that Claude told Peter his real name. Now, I don't think this is how things will unfold, but if it did? That right there contains so much awesome that I'm not sure I could handle it. I might explode from squee.

The fact that BF came up with the shippiest possible speculation involving my favorite pairing should properly explain why I'm going to marry the man some day.

i love this show, heroes

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