2012 Writing Meme!

Dec 29, 2012 16:44

This year I wrote and posted (in chronological order by posting date):

You Have Twelve New Messages (1/7/2012)
Puppy Love (1/7/2012)
Exit Wounds (1/7/2012)
Wake Up Call (1/7/2012)
And A Star To Steer Her By (1/8/2012)
Forks In The Road (1/16/2012)
Goes Off Like A Gun (1/22/2012)
Come Tomorrow I'll Be Gone (2/13/2012)
Take The Wheel (2/21/2012)
Acts Of Contrition (4/9/2012)
The Second Hand Unwinds (5/4/2012)
Follow You Into The Dark (6/2/2012)
But Water Is Wider (6/8/2012)
Guide You Home (6/18/2012)
Just Like Heaven (6/22/2012)
Draw And Release (7/6/2012)
Don't Ever Look Back (7/10/2012)
Spiral (7/25/2012)
Contingenies (8/3/2012)
Backseat Driving (8/20/2012)
Corner Pocket (8/21/2012)
Taste You On My Lips And Smell You In My Clothes (8/22/2012)
Date Night (8/23/2012)
This Temporary Flesh And Bone (8/26/2012)
Where Your Love Begins (9/2/2012)
Let Me Show You How It's Done (9/15/2012)
What Stays And What Fades Away (10/31/2012)
Questions and Answers 11/11/2012
Possession (11/19/2012)
Indiscretions (11/25/2012)
Caught Up In Circles (12/4/2012)
The Arrested Development Incident (12/22/2012)

Plus two DCSS fics that haven't been revealed yet (guess which!) and the Yuletide fic, also still anon.

Overall Thoughts: I'm kind of pleased there was only one month were I didn't post some kind of fic (March.)

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? Okay, I checked the AO3 stats and it's saying I wrote over 300K this year, which has to be a glitch. Right? Lord.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Obviously I didn't see Avengers coming or Clint/Coulson/Natasha becoming the OT3 Of My Heart.:)

What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? Man. Um. I was really happy for the excuse to write Dean/Cas/Lisa again, and AUing SPN with Flight Of The Navigator was fun. And writing crossovers is always a blast.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? Don't Ever Look Back was my first ever crack at High School AU and I don't think I messed it up that badly (although apparently AUing the canon plot the way I did is apparently an unusual approach? I don't know.)

My best story of this year: Man. I'm bad at this question. I'm happy with how all the Big Bang fics came out, and I think Temporary Flesh And Bone came out pretty well. And Where Your Love Begins came out almost exactly the way it was in my head and I think the POV and ambiguity worked decently well. And I'm happy with how Contingencies came out, too.

My most popular story of this year: By AO3 hits: Don't Ever Look Back. By AO3 kudos: Guide You Home. By LJ comments: probably Exit Wounds.

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I thought What Stays And What Fades Away would have caught fire a little more, but I love secret angels more than most of the fandom. (Still writing more angel!Clint, though.:)

Most fun story to write: Teenage!Dean is actually really fun, so both The Second Hand Unwinds and Don't Ever Look Back were fun. And I love writing Lisa POV. And Nick abusing his staff via memos!

Story with the single sexiest moment: Geez. I dunno. The hooker RP in Let Me Show You How It's Done, maybe.

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: Where Your Love Begins. I mean, it's not even close this year.:)

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: I don't know it there's one particular fic. AU is always good for this, because you really have to strip the characters down to core traits to make it work.

Hardest story to write: Oh man, I was typing blood by the end of And A Star To Steer Her By. Sam POV! River! A fusion! Oy. I think it came out pretty well, but that was hard.

Biggest Disappointment: Flaking out of deancasbigbang. Absolutely. And I didn't get the Claire/Ben future fic I'd planned done, mostly because I'm reworking it to be based out of S7 instead of S6. And it really bummed me out to not do the past round of jimmybigbang. And the whole thing with avengers_xbb. Bah.

Biggest Surprise: Oh, Avengers. When I walked out of the movie I figured it would be one of those fandoms where I mostly just read fic but didn't write. Ahahahaha. Ha.

Favorite Opening Line(s): Clint had always figured his going crazy someday was inevitable.

Favorite Closing Line(s): He knows Dean would never hurt him.

Top Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated: All of them. (I can't choose. Art for my stories makes me too squeeful.)

Story I haven't yet written, but intend to: The Exit Wounds sequel (planned for spn_j2_bigbang, since clearly I need a deadline to get anything done. The carpenter!AU I'd wanted to write for deancasbigbang (planned for this year's.) More Jimmy and general Novak awesome. And some more how-Clint-joined-SHIELD fic (I have two outlined out.)

Fic-writing goals for 2013: Post at least one fic each month. Write every day. Don't drop out of any challenges. *fist bump*

writing's hard!, meme

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