Fic: Indiscretions Masterpost (Avengers MCU; Clint/Coulson/Natasha, R)

Nov 25, 2012 23:28

Title: Indiscretions ( Art Masterpost)
Author: misachan
Artist: clex_monkie89
Fandom: Avengers MCU
Relationship(s)/Characters: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson/Natasha Romanoff
Word Count: 18K
Rating: R
Content Notes/Warnings: Sexual content, violence, strong lanuage.

Summary: Section 15.03 of every SHIELD agent's manual of rules and regulations outlines the official policy on fraternization, specifically the kind between handlers and field agents under their authority - in short, don't. Clint, Coulson and Natasha have been dancing all over that particular rule for years now, trusting that the combination of caution and exemplary job performance would quiet any whispers.

They're wrong. Clint and Natasha find themselves sitting through a series of interrogations as they try to thwart an investigation that's supposedly for their own good - and if lying and putting on a good show aren't enough, well, then they're just going to have to get a little more proactive. Set between Iron Man 1 & 2 and guest starring Doc Samson; features some violence, some sex and SHIELD agents being absolute stone cold badasses.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | AO3

A/N: Written for polybigbang. Thank you for aerilex for beta reading and morganoconner for cheerleading. EXTRA SPECIAL thanks to clex_monkie89 for the pinch hit! The way she swooped in for the rescue did SHIELD proud.

big bang, het, ot3 of my heart, ot3, avengers, slash, fic

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