Fic: Follow You Into The Dark Complete (Avengers/Supernatural, R)

Jun 02, 2012 08:51

Title: Follow You Into The Dark
Author: misachan
Fandom: The Avengers/Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Coulson/Clint/Natasha, Crowley, Fury, Hela
Rating: R
Warnings: Character death, depictions of torture, disturbing imagery and general hell unpleasantness.
Word Count: 13778
Spoilers: Post-movie for Avengers/Vague season 6 references for Supernatural
Summary: On a cold, windy night Clint Barton goes to a crossroad to wipe some red from his ledger.

(A/N: Happy birthday morganoconner! As always, all my thanks to aerilex for beta reading.)

Part One
Part Two

crossovers that need to be, phil coulson is a bamf, ot3, supernatural, avengers, this is morgan's fault, fic

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