Happy Sunday!

Nov 04, 2012 15:02

Finished a S6 watch with a friend last night (my emotions!) I know I'm pretty much the only person on the internet with this opinion but I love season 6, all the darkness and the red herring plotting and EMOTIONS. I wish Campbell arc had been better paced but I really, really dig that season.


Is there a super_disney or spn_cinema for video games? There was a kind of dopey post on fanficrants that made me realize how awesome a SPN/Final Fantasy VIII fusion would be, with Dean and Sam as Balamb Garden students and Cas as one of the Summons. And then Stuff Happens!

I want this badly.


I may have grabbed a Yuletide pinch hit. /o\ I haven't gotten confirmation yet but I love the fandom so much. *fingers crossed*


How is everyone? Tell me of your weekends! I'm desperately trying to finish my polybang before my artist thinks I'm a giant flake. Also, my dc_dystopia outline is almost 1K long. As always, I am doing this wrong. /o\

crossovers that need to be, supernatural, yuletide

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