*explodes in glee*

Nov 03, 2012 01:26

I got my Yuletide assignment and could not be happier. I know exactly what I'm going to write. Even the title! Now I just need my DCSS assignment to be just as awesome and I'll be set.

(And hello Yuletide writer! My letter is here and I am so, so sorry about the typos in my sign up. /o\)


We finally got power back at the office yesterday so today was back to normal. It's still scary as all hell driving around without traffic lights (you'll go two blocks with lights then hit long stretches while they're out, invariably at the scariest intersections) and the gas situation is ridiculous. The few stations open are gouging like crazy - gas is up about 75 cents a gallon on average - and you have to sit on line for hours just for the chance to pony up that money. A friend of mine waited for two hours today only to get told they'd switched to only filling up gas cans. Christie's starting rationing tomorrow to try to rein it in but I'm not touching my car this weekend. Hopefully over the next few days the situation stablilizes as power comes back in more places.


But my power came back on Wednesday and I'm lucky I was only out for two days - one of my friends might not get power until the 11th, and I was never out hot water or heat.

But again, ugh. I'm more than ready to squee over fic assignments after this past week, y'know?


And on the topic of Sandy, for those interested:

do not want, i has a happy, yuletide

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