So, tonight's Walking Dead.

Nov 05, 2012 00:08


BYE, LORI!!! No one will miss you!

I know that final speech of hers was supposed to be pulling at my heartstrings and all, but the only thought in my head was "About time, you selfish pain in everyone's ass!" Which is mean! But my God, between choosing to take this pregnancy to term in a freaking zombie apocalypse when she had an alternative to all the Lady MacBeth-ing she did last season to her being all shocked - SHOCKED! - that Rick actually did kill Shane when she'd suggested he do just that and all the other nonsense she's pulled this has been such a long time coming. I have neverhated a character they way I hated Lori. And now she's gone! *throws confetti*

I'm just sad T-Dawg had to be sacrificed to make this joyous event happen. (Seriously, is there a "One black dude in the party" quota?) I'll miss you, Dawg, and hope the show you're moving on to in the Great Beyond will finally give you some damn lines.

Love Michonne. Love Michonne knowing the Governor is completely full of it. I just wish Andrea was a little smarter than this. (And hey, how about Merle's pick up lines? He's one smooth operator, that Merle.)

I hope next episode reveals that Carol's okay and that Daryl's so overcome they make out then and there. And I'm very much looking forward to Rick's breakdown over this. Maybe have some guilt hallucinations starring Shane!


i love this show, i has a happy, lori please fall down a pit

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