I've been reduced to threats and blackmail.

Jul 18, 2012 23:41

Before we get started: The 50 Cutest Things That Ever Happened. Although it needs more Maru and Thorgi.


So there's an unpopular fandom opinion meme going around, where you give a fandom and I (or, you know, whoever's doing the meme) give an unpopular opinion about that fandom but I don't actually think I have that many unpopular opinions? So I'm going to alter the deal (pray I don't alter it further!) and just make my unpopular fannish confession and invite you all to do the same? Cool? Cool.

Okay, my unpopular fannish opinion: I really liked S6 of Supernatural. Seriously. Not as much as S4 or S5 (my fannish sweet spots), but as much as S3 and actually a smidge more than S2. I really dug the way they structured it, with all the red herring plots while the Civil War/Purgatory overplot chugged along in the background until it exploded. It was dark and ambitious the way S6 of Buffy was dark and ambitious (something else the majority of fandom hated that I loved, so I just might not be a reliable source). I'm not saying the season didn't have problems - the Campbell arc in particular had pacing issues (I think I've said before that what that arc really needed was an episode where Cas got fed up with Samuel being a distracting irritant and threw him into an AU where his scheme worked and he got Mary back, just so he can finds out what a bad idea that would be) but I loved that season 1000% more than most of SPN fandom. The gut punch reveal at the end of Mommie Dearest is one of my favorite scenes of the series.

So that is my shameful fandom opinion!:) Tell me yours! (Or if you still want to do the original meme, give me a fandom and I'll see if I have an unpopular opinion to share. Or I'll make one up.:))


Fine, story, be that way. I'll just go make Clint sad until you decide to behave.

writing's hard!, meme, my brain

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