My love for you went viral

Jul 16, 2012 19:33

Oh yay, now I only need a Maria Hill icon to complete the Agents of SHIELD set (of the major players, anyway, and I'd rather have comics!Hill icon anyway - not that I don't like movie Maria, but comics Maria, especially Director Hill version, is a boss.)

Anyway, this weekend was a giant lost cause writing wise; I didn't make my word count nor did I finish anything. Ugh. Ugh. Must do better tonight because the DCBB pressure. The pressure!

Also, someone needs to write a story where Nat and Clint infiltrate Comic-Con to score those vintage cards for Coulson. It could be a multi-year quest! His birthday's right around con time (July 8th, I believe) so his birthday gift each year could be new cards for his set (Clint would secretly plant them in his locker to avoid fraternization rumors, at least at first, and then it would just become a thing.)

(BTW, fandom, I love you but we need to have a discussion about Natasha's name and how yes, Coulson calls her Tasha but Clint calls her Nat. He calls her Nat all the time! If everyone's calling her Tasha it only makes me lose track of who's talking, especially when I'm trying to speed read fic on my phone during breaks at work. Think of me and my addled brain, gentle fandom! (And on a purely shipping perspective, that the two men in her life call her by the two separate sides of her name is part of what makes me so gooey about the three of them.))

Speaking of things that should be written, has anyone written the AU where in the hiatus before White Collar S4 Coulson recruits Neal for SHIELD? (possibly because Peter calls in a favor, because you know they were both classmates at Quantico before Fury waltzed in and seduced him away.)

Yes, fandom. Do these things. *nods*

crossovers that need to be, writing's hard!, geekery, avengers, my brain

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