Oh my GOD.

Mar 03, 2011 18:36

So I stopped off at the grocery store on the way home from work today (because my cat enjoys eating. Crazy thing) and all went well until I got to checkout. Swiped my card, put in my pin --- card denied. Paid with my credit card and quietly panicked all the way home.

At first I thought it might be the balance (which I quickly realized it couldn't be, because I just got paid on Friday and unless I'm sleep shopping there's no way I went through that money in less than a week) and called customer service. Turns out the very nice phone lady finds out that the fraud department put a stop on the card because...well, for no stated reason, which mystified her as much as me. And of course they're all gone for the day.

(I'm betting it's because I tried signing up for paypal over the weekend. Every time I deal with paypal it's disaster.)

So now I have to spend lunch tomorrow trying to get this settled so I can pay my bills. UGH.

Seriously, I'm glad the fraud department is looking out for me and all. It just would have been awesome if they'd told me.

On the bright side, TD Bank's customer service? Pretty spiffy.

ETA: Okay, this makes me feel better: Jared and Misha pranking each other.

argh!!, misha collins is a ridiculous madman, do not want, rl

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