Birthday Fic Fest!

Mar 01, 2011 19:45

For those who don't watch the comm, deancastiel is having an Everlasting Birthday Challenge!

It works as such: you comment with your username, birthday, and up to three prompts. Someone picks your prompt and posts the fic on your birthday. Magic!

It's just like Yuletide, except centered around one pairing and not at all anonymous.

Okay, it's not like Yuletide at all, aside from the whole present fic deal. But still! Fic for your birthday!


Speaking of fic: The Last Song by moorishflower: The very last song is the Song of Solomon, and Castiel sings it only for Dean. Set in "The End."

Oh God, this fic. This wrecked me, a snapshot of when everything went so very wrong. Instant personal canon. (Warning! highlight to read: Extremely graphic, realistic depictions of injury and a harrowing amputation scene. Not for the squemish.


If I had any vidding ability at all I would make a Dean/Cas (Cas POV) vid to Duffy's "Mercy." Just throwing that out to the universe.

dean/castiel, vids, someone get on this, challenge, recs, supernatural, pimpin', fic

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