Wednesday potpourri

May 26, 2010 12:14

 Finally got my herb gargen in. I'm totally amazed that the chives, echinacea, parsley, one of the thymes, the spearmint and a tiny nasturtium made it through the extreme winter. What we planted this year: oregano, purple basil, more thyme, lemon verbena and rosemary in sunken pots, horehound, German chamomile, sage, feverfew, sweet woodruff, hyssop, dill and calendula. We put in two things specifically for butterflies: a butterfly bush with deep purple blossoms and some bronze fennel. Plus we left two weed types: common evening primrose and some buttercups, just because.

 Now, if we could only figure out what to do with this! It's an old fishpond that has definitely seen better days. The stone is cracked and leaks water every time it's filled. Spouse has tried several fixes, not of which were successful. I so hate to go with a plastic liner and hide all that beautiful field stone. Suggestions are welcome!


For those of you wishing an update on ducklings, here they are in their new digs, the BIG duck pen. They're one month old today.

  And now that folks are out in force with the weed whackers, you might want to check through the weeds before you unleash the machine. This bullfrog was lurking inside one large clump. He received a slash across the throat and lost two toes. He'll be okay, but a quick scope of the area could have saved him some pain.

And last but not least, our fireflies are out. I just love these little summer enchantments. Our world is so much richer for them.

Take care, everyone :)

wildlife, herbs, animals, gardening

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