Mar 24, 2005 18:08
In the past or present? Because that would maybe make a difference, although it would most likely waste my chance.
My father was a stubborn man, and once he was set on a course of action his mind was not easily swayed. Never the less, given the chance, I would change his mind to save his life, and the lives of all our soldiers who died, and possibly even change the course of history.
I would persuade him to ignore his pride and march under the Noldor banner. Not because I had any liking for the Noldor (and I would never try to change his opinion of them) but because they were right, and had we marched with them, I would never have lost a father, never been made king, our people would not have been decimated and dishonoured and maybe Middle Earth would have been spared this second war.
But that is nothing more than a far fetched fantasy. My father is long dead and those events are long past, and I’m not sure that I would like to consider the way that my life would have played out had I changed his mind.
Much rather I would change Legolas’ mind about taking our people and creating a new home in Ithilien. While I agree that the land there must be healed, and that those of our people who have no wish to remain in the Greenwood nor travel West need a new home, I would rather than he did not find the need to stay there, and I would change his mind on that, that he would at least spend more than a few weeks at a time here in Eryn Lasgalen.
Muse: Thranduil
Fandom: LoTR/The Hobbit
Word Count: 284