So, welcome to August. Yay.
Well, I went to Planned Parenthood last week, accompanied by C.J., my big brother and
dmoira. They told me what I already knew, that yes, indeed, I am expecting my first child. They, however, tried to put my due date as February 15th. My first estimates were actually closer to MARCH 15th, so at the moment I'm averaging between the two and guesstimating it'll be somewhere around the end of February/first part of March. Once I get my first ultrasound, we'll be able to better pinpoint the due date, assuming all goes normally.
Knowing MY luck, though, some big blizzard will blow in and I'll go into an early labor while at work, and the only people there to help will be my coworkers Susan and Larry (the two people who are probably least able to cope with a delivery), maybe a couple of dealers and/or a couple of customers. Oh, and the snow will probably knock out the electricity to boot. Eh, well, what can you do? In all actuality, though, I'll probably end up on bed rest once February gets here to help prevent premature labor, so I'll probably be at home with C.J. checking on me every two minutes, and the second labor starts, he'll break every traffic law in the state to get me to the hospital in plenty of time.
As soon as I give birth, though, assuming I'm conscious enough for it, I'm requesting a laptop and a phone so I can announce it. XD So, don't be surprised if sometime around February/March there's a 4 AM semi-coherent post on here with the name, birth date and time, weight and length of my baby. ^_^
I have yet to tell my parents. I'm planning on trying to do so this weekend, so I can get them both together and get it over with at once. While I don't think it'll be a huge surprise to them, they definitely won't be pleased with me. I'm sure Dad will waste no time in telling me every conceivable reason why I'm unfit for motherhood. *rolls eyes* Still, I'm thinking about the worst possible things they can do to me beyond making me feel like a completely incompetent heel. Kick me out of the house? C.J. won't waste a minute to get me moved in with him. Take away my car? I can get another one, even if it's just some $500 clunker. Never want to see or speak to me again? Even without Mom and Dad, I still have C.J., my big brother and a wonderful network of friends ready to help me should I ever need it. Heck, I've even already gotten offers to help babysit. ^_^
Meanwhile, I'm trying to get appointments set up with Vocational Rehab to see if they can assist me with finding extra work, not that I expect much beyond temp positions. After all, who wants to hire someone on full-time when they'll just turn around and go on maternity in six months? I'm also trying to get in a doctor's appointment for obvious reasons, and the insurance people should be calling back here any time to let C.J. and I know if there are any pre-existing condition clauses that might prevent me from being put on his health insurance policy. Maybe I'll prove yet to my folks that I can be a good mother.
I'm also debating on whether or not I want to attend various cons this year, including AnimeIowa and Anime NebrasKon. Cosplay--which is pretty much the only thing I do at cons--is going to be difficult, just because I'm not sure how much time I'll have to devote to getting them finished in time, not to mention I'm not sure what my measurements are going to look like at the time of the cons. In addition, my folks never cease to remind me that I need to grow up--double that now with a baby on the way--and I can't see my attendance at anime conventions as being a vote of confidence in my favor for being all grown up. *sigh*
...of course, while I'm not sure about con-going and cosplaying while pregnant, that hasn't stopped ideas from coming into my head for con-going and cosplaying with an infant. XD I have at least a few ideas for mom-and-baby cosplay projects: Houki and Boushin, Filia and Baby Val... Sure, those are both baby boys, but with infants, it's difficult to tell gender, and I'll probably get more ideas as time goes on. ^_^