I have two LJs. That isn't a secret; I started the second one to record my thoughts and feelings as I re-read LOTR this past summer. I read LOTR every summer, but this was the first time I kept a journal, and I'm happy I did. I read more carefully and, even after forty years, made discoveries about the characters and their adventures.
But when I finished the last appendix, there sat this sad little LJ. Recently, I started using it to record my thoughts about movies and books. It's been fun, and something different for me. The posts are not academic essays, nor are they reviews; they're just my impressions of what I read or saw and my feelings about it.
So far, I've posted about Everything is Illuminated, History of Violence, Elizabethtown, Stargate Atlantis, and, just tonight, Firefly/Serenity. I make no promises to update regularly, or to be interesting when I do update (though I will make an attempt). But, as with this LJ, nothing is locked or filtered; everyone is welcome. Have a cookie, at
The header is from Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird. Read it first, if you haven't already.