Anya - Four Months!

Oct 25, 2011 23:16

Ok, I don't know what happened.  Yesterday was three months, I swear.  I blink and a month goes by.  If this is how the rest of this goes, I'd like to know where the pause button is, please.

So, Anya's now four months old!  She is doing great.  We went to the doctor Monday and she is in the 40th percentile for weight and height now (it was 50th% last time) and only 25th percentile for head...she's got a tiny head!  :D  She's up-to-date on her shots now and has done really well with them.  She's not gotten a fever or been in any pain (other than the initial shock).  She was only a bit off on her normal schedule, but that happened at 2 months, too.

Let's see, she has rolled over onto her tummy from her back, but hasn't done it since.  She's able to sit in her Bumbo without much help.  She has really done well with reaching for objects with both hands.  She follows objects with her eyes, reaches for the cat when she walks by, and likes to babble a lot.  We've gotten some good giggles out of her, but they are hard-bought (which makes them special, I guess!).

She's eating about every 5 hours now.  And, she doesn't complain anymore when I feed her a little bit early so I can schedule easier around my lessons.  We tried the bottle again (with breastmilk) and she just doesn't respond well to it.  So, it's going to have to be a last resort now instead of a given.  I feel like we gave it a good try, but I will be the main source of food (directly) for another few months here.  I did talk to the doctor about starting solids, and she gave the go-ahead.  She said that here at the beginning, it's mainly just learning how to eat, and it's not really important what she eats (because she'll still be getting all her nutrition from the milk).  And, I read somewhere that the theory is that early moms used to pre-masticate their food for their babies, which explains the whole puree thing.  (well, that and the whole teeth issue...)  Anyway, we'll see when we decide to start that up.  She watches me pretty intently when I eat my lunch, but I'm not sure she's put the whole thing together yet that she could do that, too.

Sleep... I've decided that Anya needs to learn how to sleep without her swaddle.  Today, she took some of her naps without it, but didn't sleep for very long.  Her arms wake her up, usually.  They move around a lot.  At this minute, she's in her crib with one arm out of her swaddle (on purpose) and in pajamas for the first time.  I've normally just swaddled her in her diaper.  The nights are getting cooler finally (though our air conditioner is still on) so I'm comfortable with her in more layers.  She's been asleep in that setup for 2 hours now, so maybe it's a success (and the 5-hour eating mark was after 1 yay?!).  The doctor also mentioned that Anya should be able to fast all the way through the night, so her night-feeding is more habit than actually needing to eat.  So, I might see if she will go back to sleep instead of eat later on this month.  It would be nice to get some of my night back...

Me...I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight, even though I'm eating a ton.  I'm drinking more caffeine than I should, but I don't seem to really care.  I guess I've never had a caffeine addiction, so I will have to see how this plays out.  I'll probably start weaning myself off it when Anya starts sleeping through the entire night without feedings.  I got my thyroid tested last month and it is still normal.  We'll see if it stays on that course.

anya, appointments, thyroid, food, doctors

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