head down

May 10, 2011 18:48

I forgot to mention in my last blog post that my doctor said the baby is head-down.  So, we're in blast-off position, folks.

Five weeks left until the due date.  I'm wondering how early/late I'll be.  I have a feeling I'll be around a week early or something, but I could just as well be a week late.  I sure hope I'm a tiny bit early.

Things just continue to get more and more difficult.  I went on an errand today to Target and then to the post office, and by the time I got home, I needed a full hour to just sit and rest before I felt I could do anything else.  I'm glad that won't last much longer, for sure.

I had a last lesson today with one of my cute little students.  I'm going to miss them so much over the summer, but I know that I'm doing the right thing by taking the summer off.

Since most of you know I won't be telling anyone names before the baby is born, I'll give you a hint of news.  Scott and I have the name narrowed down to 2 names, with a boy back-up name.  (Yes, it was wayyy easier to figure out a boy's name.)  But, no one will know the name we pick until she's out here in the world.  We figured that we'd rather not hear about how you dated a girl in high school with that name, so don't pick that one.  Or, that girl picked on me in elementary school, so that's not a good name.  Or, that sounds like an ugly girl's name.  Or so on and so forth.  We know that once the baby is born, no one will care about the past and the baby will own the name just fine.  :)

Did I mention that I have an appointment with a pediatrician next Monday?

planning, work, symptoms, doctors, pre-baby

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