Braxton Hicks...yay.

Apr 26, 2011 14:28

Sorry it's taken me so long to update.  Like I said, it's like I'm trying to get everything done before I can't do anything.  My biggest goal this week was to finish all my sewing projects so I can get our guest room into shape.  Yeah, right...  Like that happened.  I started having...Braxton Hicks contractions!!! YAYY...ugh.  So, they're like pretend can still move around and stuff, but they can be slightly uncomfortable.  For me, they feel like my body is trying to fold itself in half.  So, I fight to keep myself upright.  I also am finally starting to swell a bit in my feet.  I couldn't even put my normal little slippers on.  So, I guess it's my sandals from here on out.  I drink so much freaking water...and it still doesn't help... :(  These two fantastic things have made it difficult to do anything for a long period of time.

I had my appointment last Thursday.  We pretty much talked about those BH contractions and she mentioned another ultrasound at 37 weeks, though I'm pretty sure that my insurance only covers two (which we've had).  I don't know, I guess we'll find out if I really need one or not.

The nursery is finally coming together.  We moved everything in there to a place that's not in the middle of the room, and I've been trying to finish all those sewing projects (see above).  I was an idiot and did the math wrong on the valance that I wanted to make.  It still pretty much fits, but I had to struggle with it.  I have a couple things to add to that and it'll be done.  I made a little crib-side organizer as well.  My favorite project was the diaper bag I made.  Yes, I know I already have one...but I couldn't resist making one for myself.  I'll take a picture and put it up next post.

This weekend, we went out to brunch with friends after all their Easter gigs.  The newest baby (born in Dec) came along and we also had the nearly 2-yr-old with us as well.  Quite fun.

So, this week is Symphony.  We leave Wednesday afternoon and stay there until Saturday night.  My husband will be making trips back and forth, but the traveling is too much for me, so I'll stay.  It's hard to cancel all those lessons this close to stopping, but this will be my last symphony concert in awhile so I felt it was a justified loss.  I'm actually looking forward to the concert.  We're playing Verdi's Requiem, and I get to sit in a place I normally don't get to sit.

A group of friends down here want to throw me a baby shower.  A friend leaves on May 14th, so they want to do it before then so she can attend.  I'm not sure when it'll be exactly.  We'll figure it out.

I've been telling all my families that I'll stop teaching after the third week of May.  It turns out, some students get out of school at the end of that week as well.  I think that's a good choice for me.  It'll hopefully give me a couple weeks to really rest up and finish some loose ends (I know I won't get to them all...).  

work, shower, travel, appointments, baby room, symptoms

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