still here...still getting bigger

Apr 19, 2011 14:56

I think I get bigger every day.  I don't know how big I can actually get.  Wasn't I just saying that at 20 weeks, I had only JUST gotten into my maternity clothes?  Gee...  It's like my body's making up for it.

Things are getting harder to do.  Everything takes more effort.  Getting up from a chair, getting up from bed, getting into the car...  Everything just takes that much more effort.

I had my students' recital this past weekend.  I'm glad I did it this early rather than wait until late May.  I usually do the recital in June, but I knew that wouldn't happen!  I think I've made the decision to teach the first 3 weeks of May and then quit.  I'd like a tiny bit to calmly prepare for this if I can.

I got a huge list of stuff from a student's parent of things she used with her now 14-month old (baby sister of my student) that she doesn't need anymore.  She wants to know what I want from the list and I haven't sent back my reply.  On it are things I definitely need.  So, I'll probably just mark down the stuff I think I might need and just give away/store the stuff I don't.  My students and their families have been really great.

I have my next appointment on Thursday.  My classes don't start up until May.  Next week is symphony... 

work, presents, appointments

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