Apr 04, 2011 22:09
Wow...I'm almost to 30 weeks. Can you believe it? I can't either.
This week was pretty busy. I had rehearsals for a symphony concert, my normal teaching load, and another random gig (along with some concerts to go to). Next week will be a nice little break before the two weeks of busy-ness again. I have student recitals, another symphony concert, and 2 major gigs coming up. Busy!
My birthday is actually in less than a week. I will be 31 years old. When I was a kid, I always thought I'd give birth to my first kid when I was 30 years old. I have no idea why. But, I guess I'm just a year off, so I'm close enough. I have no plans so far for my birthday. We'll probably go out to eat somewhere and that'll be that. Birthdays after your 21st seem to be lackluster at best. :D
Baby's room is coming along slowly. I'll probably be taking pictures of what I have gotten done soon. Really, there's just a crib and a chair in there (with the stroller for now). I did wash the crib sheets and the mattress cover today. I have the crib skirt ready to be assembled now, but that won't happen until later this week.
I did assemble as much of the baby book as I could. I think I'll like the scrapbook setup, so I can add a page at any time instead of being locked into a printed one. It's fun to work on and I like using my gluestick. :D
I went to the library and picked up a breastfeeding book this week. I read through a little bit today and actually found it really useful. I think that's among my biggest worries right now, for some reason. But, what I've noticed is that most of the time, a breast pump is shown to be really helpful. So, I'll need to dig one of those up.
baby room