
Jan 12, 2011 12:03

I had my anatomy scan this morning, which was our big ultrasound/sonogram, whatever.

Everything looks fantastic.  No problems, no issues, no third arms.  We're looking great.

Yes, we did find out.  And, it's a girl!  :)

I spent a lot of last night staring at the wall thinking about the scan.  When I was younger, I thought I wouldn't ever know what to do with a boy.  But, last night I realized that I really honestly didn't care anymore.  I was just excited to find out.  It's like Christmas.  The news really hasn't sunk in yet.  I think it'll take a few days.  But, now I know and now I realize more than ever that it was really not a big deal one way or the other.  I think that comes with age, so I guess I'm glad I waited.

And, I got a call from my endocrinologist.  Apparently my numbers are "much better" and she's really happy with what she sees them doing.  She said they are nearly normal, so I won't have to worry about meds at all!  I go back next month to keep checking in.

Going back to my last post, I mentioned a woman having trouble with the possibility that her birth might not go as planned.  She posted an update and mentioned she felt so much better and was thankful for all the replies she had gotten.  And I realized...she had been scared!  That hadn't occurred to me before, and now I see it after her follow-up.  And man-oh-man, can I relate to scared!  So, I totally get it now, what she was saying in her first post was that she was scared by saying "I feel like a failure."  It wasn't "why won't things go like I planned?!" it was "oh sh*t, what is in the future?!"  Anyway, it was a big light bulb moment for me.  :)

Pictures under the cut!



Alien-esque picture of the face:

creepy... lol...

testing, awe, appointments, thyroid, ob

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