current events

Feb 28, 2012 09:18

Currently (re-)Reading:

I'm re-reading The Lord of the Rings for the nth time, in preparation for The Hobbit this December. It's amazing how this book (because LoTR is just one book in three volumes) never gets old, and how I still find it fresh despite a decade of re-reads and other high fantasy novels. Its awesomeness has removed the bad taste left by A Discovery of Witches in my mouth, thank God.

I've just finished re-reading Fullmetal Alchemist - properly this time. I've finally acquired all the volumes, which makes FMA my first ever completed manga series. Everyone, this series deserves your money.

I cannot bring myself to read Warm Bodies, especially after my friend's scathing comments. She couldn't finish it because she found what she read absolutely moronic. As I undoubtedly will.

Currently Watching:

The Moon that Embraces the Sun has turned into a mother-daughter affair. I am proud to say that I have been able to influence my mother to watch, and she's enjoying the show as much as I do. I'm behind by four episodes (RL has killed me these last two weeks), but I am slowly catching up.

Likewise, I am also behind on Shut Up Flower Boy Band. I am not as obsessed with this show as I am with MoonSun, but SUFBB is FLAWLESS, IMO.

Of the three kdramas I am watching, I find Operation Proposal the most relaxing to watch. I like OP, even if I don't think about it after watching it. Sure, Baek-ho's wishy-washy ways and his completely missing the point of going back in time in the first place slightly bothers me (slightly, mind you), but I do enjoy what I see of him. Jin-won, on the other hand, completely lost me on his introduction as coach. Sure, he turns out to be a half-decent human being later, but for me he will always be the asshole who humiliates teenagers because he thinks he knows them better than they do (he does, but the point still stands).

The only western show I am watching at the moment is Once Upon a Time, but I'm afraid I have lost all respect for Mary Margaret and David. I don't like this show as much as I thought I would. I still enjoy the bits where MM and David are not onscreen, but this ship is ruining the show for me.

Kill Bill, aka BADASS, the movie. Will do a proper review post later.

The Borrower Arrietty, the third Ghibli film I've watched, is boring. I couldn't finish it. Will watch My Neighbor the Yamadas this weekend because it looks and feels so different from the other Ghibli films. I hope it's good.

book, warm bodies, ghibli, action, operation proposal, kdrama, fantasy, fullmetal alchemist, moonsun, anime/manga, the hobbit/lotr, shut up flower boy band, historical, real life, movie, tv

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