This event wasn't on my radar originally. It was going to be a free weekend of sewing and prep for Sept Crown. Instead, we got roped into building a biffy on the Quad War site and going up for Sargent Trials was the best option for when to go up. Biffy drama ensued which meant we didn't get a single nail into the new biffy but in the end its all for the better. I had agreed to be day retinue for Their Highnesses (which they didn't need) and other then that, had no expectations of the weekend. Which made for a freaking AWESOME time!
- Drove up with K&B. I dont get enough quality time with them anymore. It was a nice catch up.
- Camping with K&B, S&F, and B was pretty exceptional. I love those peoples! They make my days happy and my belly full of yum!
- NO DRAMA!!! For anyone!!!! YAAAAA (Or what there was, was insignificant enough to blow over fast)
- Kicking back at our campfire and hanging out with whoever dropped by
- Getting some chatting time in with the very very busy
ya_inga- Having the bestest adult supervision on the plant when I went a little overboard
- No hangover! (see above statement for reason why)
- Singing around the ericks with Althea!!!! (Gods I miss doing that!!)
- Napping in the afternoon in the shade with friends
- Ego boosts abound! I love being flirted with by young men!
- Drove home with Wilma. I miss that crazy chick sometimes! We had a good time.
- No responsibilities, no schedules, no expectations. Just sitting around with friends, doing what I wanted, when I wanted to. Blissful!
- I brought my modern tent and it went KABLOOEY. No more modern tents at SCA events for me
- People kept referring to me as "scary".... I am not sure what I think of that!
- Got heat exhaustion on Sunday
- K&B's van broke down on the way home
- The wind on Saturday destroyed my tent
- Drank WAAAAYYY to much on Friday night. I know I am missing parts of the night. I am just glad the tent I woke up in on Saturday morning was "safe" although not my own.
- Nothin!