(no subject)

Feb 25, 2011 12:59

Today seems like a good day for introspection, especially when the sun is shining and the birds are gathering at the feeder outside my window.
I have been wrestling with the formidable task of rewriting my WIP, which after two rewrites is finally becoming the work I envisioned when I wrote the first line. I have tried ignoring the plot bunnies, except for the one that will be the second book in this series, and finally acquiesced to jotting down a couple of lines and making a file for the ones that won't shut up.

Like a dragon hoarding it's lair of shiny baubles, we writers tend to gather up as many glittering new ideas as we can, dusting them off once in a while, but loving the ever expanding pile in all its current glory.
It can be hard to concentrate, to take just one out of the pile and put in the work necessary to make it sellable, to cut and chip and sharpen the angles - to pick a shape and create the facets in order to let the brilliance shine through and make one story at a time into the jewel it can be - one that you will be willing to send out of your cave and into the world.

Ah, but now I am beginning to see that when I master the techniques I will find the true beauty that lies, not only within the gem, but within the artist as well.

See, a little sunshine and blue sky are all I needed.


Laurel N
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