Gratitude (and a little Promo) for a friend

Feb 16, 2011 09:27

Today I am feeling very grateful for the great teachers in my life. I have met them at every chapter of my life and feel their influence every day. Even now, with grown children, I continue to learn and to meet exceptional teachers.

Part of being a writer, for me, means adding to my store of knowledge, whether it's researching for a novel or learning more about the craft of writing. Thanks to a Winter Intensive seminar, last year, I had the great good fortune to learn from Margie Lawson - one of the most positive influences I have ever met. Her belief in my ability to not only write novels but write amazing novels, continues to empower me as I learn and grow and write.

Now, the Promo part -

Margie teaches online courses through Writer University, which means her store of knowledge is available to everyone. The upcoming class - EMPOWERING CHARACTERS' EMOTIONS - is being offered at a discount for those who sign up today. $5 off of the normal $30 tuition. The usual price is a good deal and this is even sweeter.

I have taken this class and am contemplating taking it again because it is so packed with information that I am sure I will learn something new.

Now, I'm going back to my WIP, pretending that there is no snow falling outside my window. *sigh*

Laurel N
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