We need a volunteer for . . .

May 11, 2011 11:11

It's good to volunteer, right? I saw a need and stepped up, raised my hand, and said, "Yes." It sounded like the perfect fit for me, a former Communication Arts student. I've been wanting to help.
Good grief! Now I'm realizing that offering to video/broadcast my local RWA chapter meeting on Saturday might have been a bigger deal than I imagined.

What the heck was I thinking? I haven't done anything like this in almost 30 years. Everything has changed. The camera can be held in one hand - without a 50 pound battery pack. The microphone is small and easy to use. Everything plugs into my laptop computer with minimal cable connections. Heck, my laptop could handle the whole thing all by itself, if it had to, with the built in camera and microphone. In this endeavor it is the human component that is weakest.
I keep hearing those five little words in my head - "How hard can it be?"- and I cringe, knowing that I didn't wait for the answer to that. I wonder if putting them on the page probably qualifies courting Murphy's Law? Now, I'm sorting through the manuals of my peripherals, looking up information on the internet, and booking a quick class at the Apple store.

To my Rose City Romance Writer chapter mates - bear with me, please. It may take me a while to get up to speed.

It is really too bad I don't have the magical abilities of the characters I write. A little wave of the magic wand would be helpful right about now.
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