
Nov 08, 2011 15:49

Back with our rain man, Hizumi's tweet! (^^)/
The raining season is finally here. The first big rain in my town finally came 1 day after I randomly tweeted to Hizumi, asking for rain. *laugh* No, he didn't reply, but perhaps he read it and sent his clouds here. xD

This time the tweet I'll talk about is related to Hizumi's project, UMBRELLA. Yes, all right, I'm promoting it: http://www.umbrella-h.com/store (this is the online shop link, the main site is http://umbrella-h.com/index.html). International customers are welcome (Hizumi is fully aware that he has a lot of overseas fans ^^).

And Kirito-san from ANGELO is one of his customer:

@hiz0302 え!ありがとうございます!!ていうか直接言ってくださいよ!笑 超びっくりしました!(^◇^;) RT @kirito_angelo: HIZUMIのブランドUMBRELLAで買ったiPhoneケースが届いてた。
@hiz0302 Oh! Thank you!! By the way please mention directly to me! (laugh) I'm so surprised! (^◇^;) RT @kirito_angelo: The iPhone case I bought from HIZUMI's brand UMBRELLA has arrived.

Kirito-san also attached a picture of the iPhone case:

Too bad I'm not using iPhone LOL *beli case-nya aja belom tentu mampu, mo beli ipong-nya!*

I really like UMBRELLA logo. :) I just don't like the material, coz I'm not a fan of blink blink stuffs.

Semoga besok-besok Hizumi design casing Xperia X10 juga, hehe... :))

umbrella, translation, hizumi, twitter

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