Previously, I posted Hizumi's tweets mentioning Indonesia. This time, these are scaps of Hizumi's replies to his international fans using English. Not all, of course, just some tiny part of his tweet flood. xD
I really giggled at these though:
Dunno, but... imagining Hizumi saying "Oh my God!" is somehow hilarious (reminds me of Zero who often writes オーマーガー! or something like that haha). And it's also unusual to see VK bandman writes "LOL" since they overuse "笑" or "w". It's nice to see him using international expression for his international fans. :)
In the middle of his English tweets flood, he complained:
@hiz0302 普段日本語でメッセージ書いてくる奴まで英語で書きよって!笑
Even those who usually write message in Japanese, now write in English! *laugh*
Yes, Hizumi, they bullied you because you're so loveable. xD
@hiz0302 英語のメッセージだらけだ…(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)笑
It's full of English messages...(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) *laugh*
@hiz0303 頭が英語に支配されて来た…パンクしそう(−_−;)
My head is governed by English... it's going to explode(−_−;)
Here are just the direct translations of Hizumi's nihongo tweets (coz I'm too lazy to copy-paste his original tweets LOL):
@hiz0302 love attack!?w RT @mxxxxxxko: poor HIZUMI. it's a MANIA LOVE ATTACK! RT @hiz0302: It's full of English messages...(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)*laugh*
@hiz0302 Stop it. *laugh* RT @xxxxmaniac: @hiz0302 Well... are Taiwanese and Chinese okay then? *laugh*
@hiz0302 English is spiritful. RT @skull_xxxxxx: @hiz0302 The pleasant thing is when you reply in English, you sound spiritful. *laugh*
@hiz0302 I don' t know Thai... RT @xxxxxx_FRANG: @hiz0302 Is Thai also okay? ♪ *laugh*
And of course, because Hizumi's "complain" about getting tons of English messages didn't change the amount at all, he seemed to be pretty laid back about flooding people's timeline:
@hiz0302 Mine too. RT @xxxpark0417: @hiz0302 It turns out that my Twitter is full of Hizumi-san www
*ROFL ya iyalah TL Hizu jelas penuh twit dia sendiri xD*
Well. That's all for today. I'm going to collect more of Hizumi's silly tweets later. :P