I graduated last Saturday.
From 'lukio' which is something like a secondary upper school. It's not mandatory school anymore, it just adds to your general knowledge and is required for most higher level schools. (Also it was hell for me, two and a half years all alone)
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damidnighter on
deviantARTHmm. I kept too long a pause before continuing this; I don't really feel like writing anymore. XD
Anyway I'm waiting for the entrance exam results and really thinking about moving out... We'll see... I found a nice-sounding apartment for rent, I asked the owner for pictures and he's gonna send some, hopefully soon... I keep thinking about it haha
And I hope Xillia's X edition will be on preorder on Play-Asia, and for the price I saw in a screenshot... It was more than the retail price revealed at Tales of Festival, but still affordable.
Elzy is coming over tomorrow eek
I'm feeling a bit sick. My throat hurts when I swallow and my nose is runny. I hope it won't get worse from here...