FYI, folks reading this via LiveJournal x-post -- I can't get LJ to load in my browser with my privacy extensions turned on so I'm just not reading it at all anymore. I miss y'all but currently the phone app is the only way I can read LJ & I just don't remember to do that very often.
Apparently I haven't posted since Christmas! goodness, that's a long time. Let's do a quick recap.
Arisia was good! I'm still doing Arisia work. We have a brainstorming meeting on Sun July 1st, and *ANYONE* is allowed to show up & contribute, so please come & join us. I'll put details probably on twitter & FB, and it'll definitely be on the official Arisia accounts as well.
We have a kitten! That's pretty important. Many pictures & videos here: turned 8 months old on June 10th. I definitely need to make some Flounce user icons for here. Flounce brings much, MUCH joy to my life, especially now that I'm working from home most of the time. Unsurprisingly, living in a church is a great deal of fun for a kitten.
Home life is pretty good. Andy & I remain solid, as do things with Fred & me (though he's got nearly no free time at all lately due to work stuff -- it's been tough, but at least three years into this thing, we're able to navigate these difficulties pretty well).
I'm starting my own business, though I'm *not* ready to take on more clients just yet (still need to finish up the website, file the paperwork... new business cards should arrive in the mail any ay now). The service I'm offering is scanning any photos, slides, negatives, whatever that you've got lying around that you really wish were digital & tagged with keywords. I'll also help import them into whatever you're using to organize your digital photos. So far, I've had nearly overwhelming positive response, so I've got a short list of folks I trust mean it when they say they want to hire me, and once I get my day-to-day routine a little more steady, I hope to start actually soliciting for clients.
Around the one year mark after my miscarriage & quitting my last job, I've started feeling a lot better about both of those things. I can refer to where I worked by its actual name, and not "that awful place" and I can hear about folks being successfully pregnant without overwhelming internal anger (totally irrational/part of healing, hence not having talked about it much here). Being around children is also enjoyable again.
Having the kitten has really helped solidify Andy's & my parenting dynamic, and I'm rather proud of how well we're doing. I have no other news on us being parents, sorry folks! but hopefully I will by the end of this year.
I've been wanting to make a post about all the friendships with women I've fostered over the past few years. When I first starting posting to LJ back in high school, I was definitely struggling with having any female friends at all... looking back, I think a lot of this was rejecting my mom's second-wave feminism.... anyway, there's a really long post that could be made about my journey towards figuring out how I wanted to treat others and be treated. But the short version is: I know some really wonderful, incredible women -- people I actually genuinely trust, which was not true of any relationships I had with women when I was younger than, I dunno, 30? which is not to say I wasn't friends with women (heck, many of the SAME. WOMEN.) then as I am now -- but my ability to trust women had been deeply damaged while I was in middle & high school (several toxic friendships & one very abusive ex-girlfriend), and it's really only this year that I'm realizing it has healed.
I'm grateful. I know some really amazing people.
Anyway last bit of news, I've created a personal twitter account since @minkrose is still a firehose of political content (which is great! but, makes it hard to share personal content such that folks will actually see or engage with it). You can follow my Minkventures here: Would love to hear how y'all are doing, too <3
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