alive, here, functioning

Nov 19, 2018 14:48

The (blurry jpg-artifacted) quote in my user icon reads:
"Since no one is perfect, it follows that all great deeds have been accomplished out of imperfection. Yet they were accomplished, somehow, all the same."
It's a Lois McMaster Bujold quote, even though I've never gotten around to reading her books. Obviously this icon was created for LJ way back when the last LotR movie came out, but I've always loved this quote. I've certainly been thinking about it a lot this week.

When people have asked how I've been, mostly at Arisia meetings because that's kind of the only thing I do anymore, my response has been "I'm alive, I'm upright, I'm here, I'm functioning." and while there is a lot going on and a lot more detail to the work I've been doing, I felt that that basic update was probably worth passing along to folks who might be wondering how I'm doing.

While my only official title within Arisia right now is assistant division head of Programming (currently quite a lot of work!), my much-larger invisible "hat" that I'm wearing is emotional support to Andy, who has moved up to head of Hotel Division for the convention, and is also on the corporate hotel search committee that deals with our contracts with our hotel (you may have heard we just relocated our con, two months before it is happening: )
Andy was also elected back in September to be a member-at-large for the corporate eboard, which involves handling post-convention response to Incident Reports.

There has been a lot of work to do since October 25th.

We are doing our best to get rest, to stay fed, to take breaks from thinking about Arisia. We are doing our best to keep on top of our own mental health.

I am thrilled with our newly elected Eboard members (as of Nov 11). I am proud of the work done to push for getting new corp members voting rights ASAP so we could effect good changes. & I am proud of the work we are doing (not yet public, but being worked on within the community) to make progress on healing and repairing trust. I am grateful for everyone who saw this as the moment to step up and push for something better. We have a bigger foundation of good work to build on that may be apparent from the outside, but hopefully that will become clear soon. A lot of that is covered here:

On top of all of this, Fred relocated to San Francisco for a dream-job. He drove across the country in the first week of November, and I miss him terribly. (He was hoping to take the job remotely, but they insisted he live out there. His plan is to tough that out as long as need be and come back to NYC as soon as he can -- but probably not for a couple of years.) On the other hand, the new job eases many of the stressors from his previous job (like, getting paid regularly, and having normal work hours), and overall, I can tell he is much happier. I just miss him a lot, and it isn't great timing for one of my emotional support people to be so very far away.

I do hope to make another update in about a month.... in the meantime, I have a lot to be thankful for this week, and I am looking forward to taking some time to focus on that.

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