I'm now full term!
We went to the doc yesterday and she got us a little scared when she said the baby didn't seem to be the right size. She pulled out the ultra sound machine and did a baby checkup on him. His legs and head are all measuring fine but his abdomen is a bit small...guess that means he takes after me with no pot belly :) I'm sure that will change once hes out. the doc then waited to see the little guy swallow (ie practice breathing) and do at least one big movement. Turns out babies have a 30 min sleep cycle. When she started the ultrasound it was apparently the start of his sleep cycle so we sat there for 30 min watching his little heart beat waiting for him to wake up and swallow and move. And sure enough at 30 min on the dot he started to move and swallow and get downright fisty! At one point in his sleep he actually covered his eyes with his hands (of course he's shy!).
BTW here is a good ultrasound pic from the first trimester (we didn't get any print outs from today) and a pic of fat me..taken yesterday. I have dropped one pound from last weeks dr's office visit which apparently is a good sign. I'm still looking/feeling pretty cowish though!